Metadium Announces Telegram Engagement Campaign

Published in
4 min readJan 19, 2019

Hello Metadium community!

We’re excited to announce our first ever Telegram Engagement Campaign! From January 21st, 2019 to February 28th, 2019, we’ll be allocating META tokens to active community members within the Official Metadium Telegram Channel. As of writing, we have 16,718 members; we want to hear from and reward community members with insightful questions, thoughtful comments, and comprehensive understanding about the Metadium project.

Going into the next quarter, the Metadium team will be revealing a lot of exciting announcements and hosting online and in-person events. To make sure active community members stay updated and engaged with Metadium, we’ve provided two ways for Metadians to earn META tokens for the remainder of January and the full month of February.

The first way to earn tokens is through our Reputation Bot. Our proprietary Reputation Bot will enable users and admins to upvote and downvote each others’ comments within the Telegram channel. Provide your thoughts, insightful questions, and knowledge about the project and be compensated in META tokens for your positive contributions!

At the end of each month, the scores of each community member will be tallied. Winners will be announced after the end of each month, and rewards will be distributed the first week of the following month.


To earn rewards, users must fill out the Telegram Reputation Google Form every week. Voting activity will be closely monitored from the backend of the database to ensure accuracy and fair play. If there is suspicious activity, admins will take necessary measures to restrict & disqualify certain users.

Reward system:

10+ Reputation: 1,000 META tokens

20+ Reputation: 2,000 META tokens

30+ Reputation: 3,000 META tokens

40+ Reputation: 4,000 META tokens

50+ Reputation: 5,000 META tokens

An admin from the Official Metadium Telegram Channel will be posting a question every Tuesday at 4:00 PM PST/Wednesday at 9:00 AM KST. Depending on the week, an admin will either be asking a close-ended question or an open-ended question for the community answer.


In order to participate in this program, users must register through the Metadium Trivia Tuesday Submission Form first.

For close-ended questions, the first community member to provide a correct answer by Tuesday at 4:30 PM PST/Wednesday 9:30 AM KST will be rewarded. All answers can be found on the official Metadium website, our Medium blog, and whitepaper.

For open-ended questions, community members will have until Wednesday, 4:00 PM PST/Thursday 9:00 AM KST, to provide an in-depth answer (at least 2 paragraphs in length, 3–4 sentences per paragraph). Answers will be judged and scored by admins- the winners will be announced the following day.

Reward system:

Close-ended questions: 1,000 META tokens

Open-ended question: 3,000 META tokens

META tokens will be distributed to community members after March 15th. We’re super excited for the community’s participation- best of luck to all the future winners!


Team Metadium




Metadium powers identification, authentication and crypto transaction management, providing AML compliance and risk management solutions.