Metafy’s New Look

Published in
4 min readSep 23, 2021

We’re a year old, give or take a couple weeks. A lot has changed in the last year, we went from a two-man team to a small army of thirty. In September of last year, coaches on Metafy made a combined $1206 across the entire month. Fast forward to the present, and our coaches are now clearing $100k+ per month.

The glory is in the journey

We love the intoxicating feeling of winning, who doesn’t? The thing is, it’s not just that one moment that fulfills us. It’s all the little achievements and problem-solving along the way. Even when we’re on top, there’s always more to master.

We wanted our brand refresh to reflect that.

The first version of Metafy was like our awkward high school period. We primarily used two colors, black and red and we were still figuring out who the heck we were. With this refresh, the tryhard vibe has been dropped in favor of embracing a vibe that really reflects who we are as a brand.

I don’t really know what that means, but it helps justify all the time we spent creating a crown with eyes.

This little creatures name is Meaty. Why? Well, it’s a nod to our darling community that continues to mistake “Metafy” for “Meatafy” — We’re still not offering meat coaching. Don’t be gross.

Our founding team consists of a bunch of weebs. For that reason, it should come as no surprise that we’ve incorporated foundational graphics into our brand inspired by fight sequences from anime and manga. Hand-drawn, with equal parts organic and refined, the forms of graphic are loosely based on the elements of water, air, and fire.

There’s no earth. Don’t ask about earth.

A new face to our fonts

What’s a brand refresh without a typography change? Not shit, that’s what. Introducing a serif font was something we weren’t sure would work for our brand. We were worried it’d come off a bit too formal, but our new color palette and illustrations keep that formality in check.

An update to illustrations

Our old illustrations are great. I still love them. When talking with our friends over at Thunder Rockets however, it became obvious that some work was needed to bring them inline with our new brand identity.

The new approach leans into simplicity and gives ourselves the permission to have a little bit more fun. Also, they’re so damn cute. Look at that little comment jar, I want to pick it up and put it somewhere. Should we make little figures? We should make little figures.

Head on over to our Discord where we’ll be celebrating our rebrand or maybe mourning the death of the old brand. We’d love it if you stopped by to say hello. A lot of work has gone into our new look, we’d love your thoughts on how it turned out. Oh, and you’re always welcome to tweet at or about us @trymetafy.

See you around ✌🏽



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If my Mom asks, tell her I’m a mature adult now.