Goals and Objectives. Part 1. Decentralized applications

Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2018

Do you agree that there is no group of people working together that can proudly call themselves a “team” until they are united by a common cause? A beneficial working atmosphere gives birth to ideas, and ideas evolve into specific tasks that need to be properly distributed among the team members. Due to the common goal, the #MetaHash team was pulled together, and now we are happy to share with you the following digest of articles about our main goals.

One of the tasks that the developers-team set themselves at the very beginning was to find the one and the only solution for webmasters to create decentralized applications on the global network.

Let’s see what a “decentralized application” means in general.

Any software application is created to implement some specific goal. At the moment, millions of different apps can be found on the Internet, most of them are centralized. As an example, you can mention such huge players in the Internet industry as Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc. All of them are using a centralized model and are managed by their founders, which entails them with lots of unsolved problems. Opposite to the decentralized model, in which initially there is no single mainstream decision-making element.

Developers and webmasters modify the definition of the “decentralized application” term.
The opinions differ.

#MetaHash set a goal to resolve this issue and offered web developers a single platform for writing decentralized apps in any programming language (Solidity, PHP, C ++, etc.) with a stable set of rules for editing code — #MetaApps. Thus the platform for the creation and development of a decentralized branch of the Internet is being formed. The applications build on the basis of #MetaApps don’t depend on their creators after the launch and release. They are managed only by open voting of users or owners of #MetaHashCoins.

The censorship framework will be generated in a natural way — with the opinion of most #MetaHash community users, which will provide an excellent degree of network security.

As a result, with the release of #MetaApps, the global Internet community is getting a progressive platform for developing innovative applications. The future of the global network is an era of decentralization.

See you in the Future!

Join the discussion of our project.
Our website: https://metahash.org/
Telegram: https://t.me/metahash_ENG
Twitter: https://twitter.com/themetahash

