#MetaHash Expedites Decentralization with Infrastructure Torrent Node Release

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2 min readJul 25, 2019

We are excited to release the Infrastructure Torrent node which is aimed at servicing enterprise users and enhancing the further decentralization of our network.

The Infrastructure Torrent, which is used to store entire blocks for enterprises and unload the network for end-users, is the second role after the Peer which is now available. The total number of roles will grow up to five including the core, the torrent, and the verification node in the coming months thus making #MetaHash invulnerable and fast as a decentralized network.

The Soft and Hard Caps of the new role are set at 500 000 and 20 000 000 #MHC, while the Seed, which is the minimum of the server’s own capital needed to let the server be qualified for the node’s role, is fixed at 100 000 #MHC.

To qualify for a role, besides meeting the caps requirements, the node’s owners will need to run a test of hardware and internet capacity. The minimum hardware requirements are set as 6 core 2.30GHz, 16 GB RAM, 500 GB HDD, though recommended ones are 8 core 2.30GHz, 32 GB RAM, and 500 GB SSD.

Every Infrastructure Torrent server will be attributed to one of three geo zones: Asia, Americas, and Europe. The reward for the node’s owner will be assigned considering the geo factor and will be composed of two parts: the fixed share and the geo share. Here is how the total node rewards pool, which comprises 40% of the total forging pool, is being distributed for Infrastructure Torrent and Peer nodes:

- 28% which is a fixed share pool will be distributed proportionally to the amount of coins delegated to servers

- 2% + 2% + 2% which are geo shares of Asia, Americas, and Europe clusters will be assigned to infrastructure torrent servers attributed to these zones proportionally to the amount of coins delegated inside the zone

- 2% + 2% + 2% which are geo shares of Asia, Americas, and Europe clusters will be assigned to peer servers attributed to these zones proportionally to the amount of coins delegated inside the zone

Once the new roles will be released, the volume of the fixed share will be reduced and the new geo shares will appear.

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