#MetaHash Update Report

Published in
1 min readAug 1, 2019


  1. We’ve released node testing by geo-clusters. Rewards distribution now based on node’s GEO.


  1. #MetaGate 1.19.6 has been released. Added a function to set a wallet on the watch.
  2. Renewed network status page
  3. Minor bug fixes: wrong pass issues/transfers


  1. Metagather program is on!
  2. #MetaGate 1.19.7 has been released:

Updates of torrent operations and connection notifications with them

New system notifications on balance update / new available versions of #MetaGate / MetaTalk incoming messages

3. The new version of the Core released. Now infrastructure Torrents are supported.

4. New software for Infrastructure torrent Nodes is up.

