Project progress 09.04.2021

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2 min readApr 9, 2021

Hey, guys! Another week is over, let’s check the results of our work!

Now our developers are working on node auto-update to the latest version. This feature is sure to please server owners! As soon as this function is ready to be launched, we’ll let you know.

In addition, we try to make chatting more comfortable. That’s why we set up Combot* — it can give the current price of #MHC. We also added a report system, which gets rid of spam and cheaters, if the bot cannot do this.

*These Combot functions are available in Internet and RU chats.

In order to find out the current price, you just need to send a command !c mhc or, if you want to know the price in a pair, !c mhc/eth or !c mhc/btc (works for all traded pairs).

The reporting is also very simple. In response to the spam-message you need to send the command /report or !report , and the user will be banned after 5 such reports.

Last but not least. Don’t want to spoil, but we’ve prepared a really powerful plan for the whole of 2021! So, don’t crash the site by refreshing the page? :)

The community also provides good news. A user chat concerning #MHC trading is gaining popularity. Good luck to our enthusiasts!

That’s all for now, see you next week!

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