Project progress 26.03.2021

Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2021

Hi! Let’s sum up the results of this week.

Many people asked about the voting summary, so we shared it yesterday. Despite the large number of different options, several exchanges are clearly in the head.

Also yesterday we talked about #MetaHash further development. Our next step is to start voting for changes in the network operating. Of course, we will explain this new feature as soon as possible.

We are also very pleased with the growing community engagement! For example, our enthusiast Robert Bibb (@kayakman21), owner of the #HashtagSpace app, helped to release a review of our project. Thanks, Robert!

Then, MHConnect developer Joseph (@jwmdev) shared the first screenshots from the mobile wallet for iOS. Bravo, Joseph! The variety of apps and alternative wallets really promotes the network!

We encourage you to support such initiatives :) Feel free to comment and share the latest review and other videos, and support the MHConnect team in their Telegram group.

Thank you for your attention and see you soon!

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