The path to decentralization #MetaHash

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3 min readSep 6, 2019

We often discuss the importance of decentralization. It is not easy to provide, but the technology of distributed registries and blockchain have made this possible. What’s the way to decentralization of our project, what steps are still ahead?

Currently, all network nodes are controlled by the #MetaHash team, and the system is still centralized — since decentralization of the new technology should go through a number of public tests, troubleshooting and real-time changes.

For phased decentralization of the system, it is planned to test each of its components without the risk of disruption. For each part to be checked, there are 3 steps: check out in the developer’s network, then the open testing of updates, and finally, its launching in the Mainnet.

This is a decentralization strategy for each individual screw of a single machine, which we are preparing for galactic flight. And if you look globally, the path to independence consists of more complex and large-scale steps. Although most of the work has already been completed by our team (of course, with community support), the work is far from the end.

By the way, can you tell what step is our project at?

  • Developers’ network launch. Load tests and verification of processing correctness with 500 billion transactions;
  • Public Testnet launch;
  • Public Mainnet launch;
  • Anchoring to popular blockchains:

The Mainnet being already launched, multiple backups and archiving of data are required for the increased security of the members. In order to avoid changes when a critical vulnerability is detected and as a mitigation of the misuse of authority by the team, it is planned to use anchoring of #TraceChain checksum hashes to public blockchains. Each block’s hash containing calculation of the forging reward will be recorded to Ethereum and Bitcoin blockchains. Therefore, each member will be able to check the validity of the entire chain having static control points in two public blockchains;

  • Launch of the peer node forging. All incoming transactions will be processed by the network of public decentralized nodes which allows to make sure no transactions appear in the blockchain by any other means;
  • Torrent node launch. At this stage, the network reaches the goal of being public decentralized storage of all transactions and blocks in a public repository and a torrent verification of the cores’ performance correctness. Clients start receiving data from decentralized nodes;
  • Switching on the automated role assignment by #TraceChain AI for the #MetaHash team nodes. User nodes remain with the static roles for now;
  • Switching on the automated role assignment by #TraceChain AI for user nodes for Peer and Torrent roles. This stage verifies the correctness of network map design through machine learning and automated network rebuilding;
  • Start security testing with selected vendors against attacks on consensus and network failures;
  • Software update and the start of bounty campaign focused on debugging and security issues. At this stage the main architectural vulnerabilities to network attacks are already eliminated and the public bounty helps engage the public to eliminate rare types of attacks;
  • Full decentralization of cores, slave cores, and verification nodes;
  • Software update ensuring a completely autonomous distribution of roles by the network.

The phasing of decentralization is extremely important: it helps provide a continuous operation of the network as it is being implemented and risk control in terms of various attacks on the network. While true decentralization is coming, our team plans to support the network until it is fully decentralized and capable of self-development.

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We are expanding the pool of partners: now exchanges could list our token themselves. Here is a link to the guide —

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