Metaverse Lands Have Infinite Potential And Are Simple To Buy

Nick Knight
Published in
6 min readJan 5, 2023

What is virtual terrain? Where is it? Is it a bargain to buy it? Above all, how do you buy and sell it?

This article will answer all these questions and more. There will also be some practical advice for doing well in the Metaverse without a real estate agency.

A virtual terrain is a portion of land within the Metaverse. It is not a physical place, but rather a “digital container” for avatars, virtual objects, and digital content.

The Metaverse will be used by millions of people around the world as a place for entertainment and a platform for commercial transactions. When you buy a piece of land in the Metaverse you are buying virtual units.

You can also resell the purchased land at a higher price than the initial value if the market offers the opportunity.

To give a prime example of money-making opportunities in the Metaverse. Perhaps the case that most interests users who are already experts.

Let’s go step by step.


  • Virtual or digital terrain is a parcel of land in a metaverse. Because there are so many metaverses. Like there are social networks. You can find an account on Instagram but maybe not on Tik Tok. As well as a sales page, unless you replicate it. But you will still find yourself in a different reality from the others.
  • Virtual terrains are represented in the form of non-fungible digital tokens (NFTs), i.e. non-tradable tokens based on the blockchain.
  • The virtual terrain can have different functions depending on the metaverse: in some NFT games, it serves as a plot of land for the construction of digital real estate. The user who owns it also receives benefits within the game, such as experience points, items, or the possibility to participate in special auctions.
  • Generally, they are like real estate, you can buy virtual land or rent the buildings that are built there, allowing you to make a profit.


There are many reasons to buy virtual land. For example, buying land can be a good long-term investment.

Once the market becomes more stable, land prices will rise significantly, so if you intend to own a piece of digital history it’s best to get into the game as fast as possible.

Virtual landowners also earn income from their properties, in terms of rent and royalties.

Just like the space on earth, that of individual metaverses is also limited.

  • So, based on the simple principle of supply and demand, we can reasonably assume that digital land prices will continue to rise.
  • Companies like Samsung are already opening their first stores in the metaverse, with the aim of generating real income in the future by selling virtual products.

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First, choose the platform for buying and selling land: there are several platforms that offer the purchase of digital land in different metaverses.

Some of these platforms are specific to a single metaverse, while others have designed blockchain technologies that are private and capable of managing virtual properties on a global scale

Next, you should do thorough research on the Metaverse real estate market, to find land suitable for your needs and available budget.

Factors such as the location of the land, the size of the property, and the restrictions imposed by the platform on land use should be taken into consideration.

Finally, choose which virtual land to buy: to do so, you can consult the list on the trading platform in question or search for specific NFTs on platforms such as OpenSea.


The price of a virtual land parcel can cost as much as a few thousand dollars. Even if they don’t have a physical reality, don’t believe that they are cheap.

But, there are also much cheaper digital plots of land. Like some multi-million dollar island that bought Paris Saint-German soccer player Verratti.

Here’s the practical aspect that interests you:

  • To buy land in the Metaverse, you need to connect your cryptocurrency wallet to the sales platform.
  • The easiest way to do this is to use a browser wallet extension, such as Metamask for Ethereum.
  • The advantage of a Wallet browser extension is that it automatically appears when there are websites that allow you to link your wallet to your account.
  • It will usually be possible to purchase NFTs using Ether or the native cryptocurrency of that metaverse.
  • In Sandbox, it is the SAND cryptocurrency, which can be traded within the sales platform of the Sandbox ecosystem.
  • You will first need to find out which cryptocurrency you need for the digital terrain you have chosen (usually this information is available on the game’s official website.)
  • Finally, you will be able to buy this digital currency on cryptocurrency exchanges such as Coinbase.

Finally, go in search of land.

  • Right now, almost every NFT game has its own digital land trading marketplace.
  • But other trading platforms also offer NFTs of different terrains using the metaverses operators
  • in which they are located as intermediaries.


  • OpenSea is the largest platform for NFT auctions, exclusively dedicated to auctioning. It is used by many operators in the Metaverse real estate market to sell digital lots in so-called “land sales.”
  • The buyers can use the same platform to resell their digital parcels of land.
  • NextEarth connects NFTs to real-world locations. In other words, this platform allows you to create a satellite map of the Earth using NFTs.
  • Then there is the NextEarth market system which allows you to use Polygon (MATIC) to buy digital land. Polygon is a second-level layer (level 2) built on the Ethereum blockchain in order to use it at lower costs. This is an advantageous feature for those who want to buy NFTs on NextEarth, as it allows you to significantly reduce the platform’s commissions.


Here are the top three:

  • Roblox
  • Decentralized
  • The Sandbox

Decentraland is one of the largest metaverses where you can buy digital land. Almost all NFTs here represents a piece of land that can be used or resold at will. Additionally, Decentraland offers a wide range of uses for virtual terrain, including building construction and user exploration.

Roblox is a metaverse that is famous among young gamers. Here, Virtual Explorer Passes can be purchased, which are NFTs that give the buyer access to a wide variety of in-game options. Among these options, there is land ownership, which can be modified by the user and resold to other players.

The Sandbox is a blockchain-based metaverse where users can build interactive 3D worlds or create original content to share with others.

Terraformer Licenses are the NFT units that give the holder the right to purchase a digital terrain and build the desired environment.

These NFTs can also be resold to other players, allowing anyone to become the owner of a portion of the virtual world in The Sandbox.

I recommend starting with these first three Metaverses

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Nick Knight

I am passionate about Metaverse. And with a fantastic team we founded the first metaverse finance site: