Highlights from Metakgp Demo Day #2

Himanshu Mishra
Published in
3 min readFeb 5, 2018

After an inspiring start from Demo Day #1, we had another demo day on Feb 1, 2018. It will be conducted in every 2 weeks, so yeah the next one is on Feb 15th! Know more over here and you can join this facebook event to keep track, as well.

We had 2 demos this time as well, one from Kshitij Saraogi and one from myself. Both the demos were Command Line Interfaces and productivity based tools. Here is the live stream of the day. Kudos to Vikrant once again for being there to raise questions and spin the prize wheel at the end!


The first demo was presented by me, Himanshu Mishra, a fourth-year, Department of Mathematics undergraduate. I showed a snippet manager which I call keep. Keep started because of a problem, the inability of remembering commands (faced a lot while being a sysadmin). Keep helps manage the commands as snippets and reuse them when required, right from the command shell. (Yay!)

An example of “keep run”

These are the current features of keep.

  grep      Searches for a saved command.
init Initializes the CLI.
list Show the saved commands.
new Saves a new command.
pull Updates the local database with remote.
push Pushes the local database to remote.
register Register user over server.
rm Deletes a saved command.
run Executes a saved command.
update Check for an update of Keep.

As a developer, I received a ton of great questions and suggestions from Vikrant and Siddharth. I have created a couple of issues on GitHub to track the ideas and would get back to them as soon as I can. Also, kudos to Athitya Kumar for sending a Pull Request to keep after the demo!

The second demo came from Kshitij Saraogi, a fourth-year Dept. of Mathematics undergrad. The project is called lexico which is a command line tool to learn new words! Well, we can quickly make a Google Search to know the meaning, but by using lexico, we can keep track of our learnings as well.

Using lexico to search for a word

Lexico is an excellent tool to get fluent in a language you want to learn. It provides you with all the relevant information, i.e., Meanings, Synonyms, Antonyms, Examples, Phrases, Hyphenation, Audio, Text Pronunciations. It uses the Wordnik API to get these details. Harsh Gupta on the metakgp slack suggested that, with the use of Spaced Repetition, it can be an excellent preparation tool for exams like GRE.

We need to get these projects out there for people to use and experiment with. We also need to find such useful tools built inside KGP which do not receive the attention. Demo Days are just an effort to solve this problem!

A moment from the day

For more details about Demo Days, have a look at our announcement post.

Randomly allocated cash prize (Using a spinning wheel)

If you have a project you’d like to demo, you can sign up here for our next Demo Day on 15th of February, 2018. Subscribe to our Facebook page or join our mailing list for more updates.

Sign up link: https://goo.gl/forms/d6rhzbjfayDLyqYW2

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/metakgp/
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/metakgp.official
Mailing list: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/metakgp-announce

Demo days will also be streamed live on your YouTube Channel. Subscribe to the channel for updates.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUgekHbc-ntGOh4AwzOPoNQ

Still curious?

Come hang out with us on Slack (https://slack-invite.metakgp.org/) or our Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/metakgp.official/) and let us know what you think.

See you at the next demo!



Himanshu Mishra

https://orkohunter.net (Blog moved to my website. I am no longer writing on Medium.)