Proton Wallet Alpha is now available for download!

Metal Blog
Published in
4 min readAug 29, 2020

Have you ever thought how crazy it is that our user name also functions as our password in the traditional world of finance? Literally, our debit and credit card numbers are both the user name and the password combined into one string to our bank account. It’s funny, because it probably wasn’t anticipated 60 years ago that technology would move so rapidly that we could transact with anyone in the world, but now here we are, and the system needs to evolve.

With the evolution of Proton, at Metal, we envision a world in which payments are free, instant, painless, and never compromise your personal data or financial assets. Proton symbolizes an open-source technology that will completely upend the way we do our banking today. With Proton, you take the power back and XPR is the unit of currency that drives the smart contract and oracle system underlying everything. This is a world in which you stop working for money and money starts working for you.

I’m beyond excited to announce that Proton Wallet Alpha is now available for download!

To get started: download TestFlight from the iOS store. TestFlight allows users to test alpha and beta versions of apps before they release to the public. Once TestFlight has been installed, you can install the Proton Wallet with this link.

This TestFlight version allows you to take our wallet for a spin and experience what we’ve been building just for you. Based on open-source SDK libraries, this non-custodial wallet allows easy staking, voting privileges, and so much more.

Check out our video that shows how the Proton Wallet looks like, and read more about what we’ve built below.

Blockchain meets Democracy

With the ability to vote for block producers with just a few taps, it’s never been easier to make your voice heard in the cryptocurrency that you have a vested interest in. Choose the block producers you trust the most and make your mark on the Proton blockchain.

Choosing the right block producer can make all the difference in a project that you care about. Reward block producers that you like by using your votes in their favor. You now have the power to shape the progress of Proton.

Stake Proton, Earn Proton

Now you can stake your Proton with just the slide of a finger — easily choosing how much of your holdings you’re willing to store. Block rewards are paid out every 24 hours, giving you an easy way to build your stack of XPR.

Hyper-focused on Proton’s blockchain, this app is a powerful way to interact with Proton. Capable of up to 4,000 transactions per second, this wallet features no gas fees for users, free accounts, and short usernames meant to be read by humans.

Capable, Flexible, and Responsive

Our intuitively designed app allows you to monitor transaction histories, send your tokens to another wallet, or receive tokens from anywhere. Additionally, Proton Wallet offers support for numerous cryptocurrencies, giving you an easier way to keep track of what you own.

Your keys are always stored on your device via Apple’s keychain, giving you full control over your own security. Additionally, the Proton chain is protected by an independent, term-limited governance council designed to ensure all chain validators meet high technical and reputation standards.

Coming Soon: Wrapped Coins

The future of DeFi, and cryptocurrency itself, is centered on wrapped coins. Proton Wallet will soon allow you to deposit coins to a personalized address, receiving wrapped Proton coins in your wallet instantaneously. More details about this will come in the near future — we think you’re going to love it.

We’re constantly looking for ways to build better products for you. Have an idea that you think we should hear? Reach out to the Proton Twitter account. Alternatively, you can always drop us a line on our main social media accounts: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook.

Marshall Hayner
CEO and Founder

