MetalCore AMA w/ Crypto Stalkers: Recap

MetalCore Team
7 min readDec 4, 2021


MetalCore’s CTO, Dan Nikolaides, was recently invited for an AMA by Crypto Stalkers to answer some questions from the community.

AMA at: The Crypto Stalkers Telegram Channel

On: Thursday, 2nd December, 2021 | Time: 3:00 PM UTC

The transcript is almost entirely in its original AMA form, mildly edited for punctuation and readability only.

Part One

Q1. Could you please provide a quick self-introduction for the community?

Ans: Sure, I started working at Midway Games in Chicago back in 2005, working on Mortal Kombat. Since then I have worked at various studios in the industry, including at Epic games working directly on UE4 and Gears of War. My specialties are UE4 engine development and network programming

Q2. Please enrich our audience with basic concept behind “MetalCore”. Are there any exciting news or updates that you would like to share with the users?

Ans: We came up with this concept because we were inspired by games like Battlefield, MechWarrior, and Planetside 2. We love making hardcore games so we wanted to make something like that for the crypto community and we want to attract more hardcore gamers in a way to get them interested in Crypto.

The game itself is a 1st/3rd person vehicle combat game. You will Pilot a mech/tank/aircraft NFT directly into battle vs hundreds of other players

Q3. Tell us more about Gaming NFTs of MetalCore where they’ll launch/traded?

Ans: Every “vehicle” in the game will be an NFT. We will have a genesis drop of the first batch of vehicles in late January. They range in rarity from common to legendary. Each vehicle can be piloted by the owner or rented out to other players for a commission of earnings

Q4. To gain more trust, Can you tell us more about investors and backers of MetalCore? Any audit reports?

Ans: We have some really big name investors — I don’t know if I can reveal them today but I think sometime in December we will do a press release with all our investors. They are top tier industry leaders, and I think people will be excited when we can talk about them.

They are also helping to guide us with our tokenomics, design, and etc such as helping us develop our metaverse concepts

Q5. Roadmap increases excitement and hype, do you have any Roadmap? How its different from other NFT P2E Games competitors?

Ans: We have a roadmap on our website at One of the big differences is how close we are to playable alphas. In April we plan to have private playtests for select NFT holders from our genesis sale and before our first mint we will have actual gameplay videos to show off. So I think we are a lot closer to playable status than many of our competitors.

Part Two

Q6. Is the MetalCore specifically for gamers? What about non-gamer users? Can they still generate income even without playing your game? Does holding your tokens provide long-term returns for investors?

Ans: Non-gamers can definitely still do well in MetalCore. There are a number of ways to passively create income:

1) by holding vehicle NFTs you can make them available on a commission basis, similar to Axie Scholarship program. So you will earn money from others playing with your vehicles. The better they perform, the more you’ll earn

2) You can own land NFTs to earn commissions of all rewards earned on that land

3) you can stake/yield farm our governance token

And earn a daily/weekly reward depending on what you do with it. Besides that, we plan to add more casual game modes for less hardcore gamers in the future.

Q7. I understand that MetalCore is an NFT-based. However, many traditional players can find it difficult to play NFT games. How can ‘MetalCore’ bridge this to attract the more traditional players to your games? Do you have a plan to educate about the benefits of NFT games?

Ans: Yes, we want to get traditional gamers involved with MetalCore. Our plan is to allow players to play MetalCore without ever connecting a wallet. They may accrue tokens and NFTs, nut these will be locked into our “game portal”

Later if they want to unlock those tokens and NFTs and transfer or sell them, they can connect a wallet. So we anticipate many players who start playing having never created a wallet before and we hope our game can introduce many of these players to the world of crypto

Q8. As NFT gaming is trending particularly those featuring a Play-to-Earn mechanism is clearly the new trend these days. MetalCore has really attractive features. Can you explain Play-to-Earn mechanism in more details & how users can generate passive income from this model?

Ans: Yes — from just playing the game in our open-world sandbox or “faction war” PvP modes, you can earn $FAB which is our utility token. You will use this also to craft, repair your vehicles more quickly, upgrade various things in your account, etc

And of course, you can transfer it out and sell it on UniSwap or wherever a market exists. Also, from playing the game you may find component pieces to craft a new vehicle

These are also NFTs — so you can keep them, try to get the right pieces to craft a new vehicle, and sell the new vehicle or just sell the components directly.

We have a lot of more complicated ways to earn FAB that include joining a Barony, playing in faction war, owning land, etc, and will detail all of it in our white paper later this month

Q9. What are the main features of the #Metalcore project and how was it developed? Where does its core competitiveness lie? What special features and advantages does it have to stand out in the game market?

Ans: The main feature for us is the persistent territory war. Think of a game like Planetside 2 — there is a large continent and people are always fighting over it. When we add land ownership and P2E to that, we think it adds another dimension to the conflict. You can’t lose your land. But if your land is occupied by the enemy faction, it generates less passive income

So the faction war has a real economic impact on a major mode of earning. We think this will keep the urgency and passion of the PvP fight consistently high.

Q10. What are your status regarding the audit of your smart contracts and security mechanisms to protect and assure the participants of the ecosystem?

Ans: We are just starting to audit those now and we will ensure our security is airtight before we get to our first launch event. We are working with multiple external groups to help us with this as extra safety nets

Part Three

Q11. STAKING is very important for every project to attract users. So does have staking program? If yes, how can we stake your token? Is these any requirement for users?

Ans: We do support staking. You can stake our governance token in 3 ways:

1) You can stake it into a faction. This joins the faction and earns you FAB rewards based on the faction's performance in the war. You are limited to one faction.

2) Stake into your garage. This improves the cooldown/repair times for your vehicles

3) Stake into your land. This increases the rewards generated by your land’s passive income

Q12. How many team members do you have? Do they have enough experience in the blockchain field? Do they have any experience on working in crypto and non-crypto project?

Ans: We have brought 2 teams together on this. Our main game dev team has a long history working on traditional games. Our dev team is currently around 40 people. Our blockchain team has experience working on Umbrella, Lucidity, and AdChain and they are very experienced blockchain devs. Together we have all the pieces we need to make a great project.

Q13. While you build your project, do you take into account community feedback and demands?

Ans: Our governance token will give our community token holders a vote in the governance council. They will be able to vote on game configuration and economy configuration (things like cost to craft new vehicles, rates of daily rewards). We will also take community votes into account when we choose new game modes to develop

Q14. Where I can get the latest updates or more information about the project?

Ans: You can join our discord at — we are very active on there. You can also check our website at for future roadmap

Q15. Marketing is a central element for every project. so that everyone knows the potential that a project can bring is vital to achieving the goals set. What is your strategy to attract new users and Investors to your platform and keep them long-term?

Ans: We have a very comprehensive marketing plan, but I also want to address long-term plans to keep the project growing. We plan to get as many market segments in the gaming world interested in our MetalVerse as possible.

So this means we will make more games. Our next game will be more casual, like card battler or tactics battle. We also want to incentivize modders and other studios to develop games in our MetaVerse. We think we can keep content coming for a very long time, and that increases the longevity of the project indefinitely.

We are excited for the road ahead and the future of blockchain-based combat gaming. Please join our discord to engage with our community, stay up to date on announcements and developments, and get chances to win whitelist allocations to our upcoming NFT sales.

Welcome to the Metalverse, MetalMercs!

About MetalCore

MetalCore is a first-person shooter (FPS) mechanized combat game set in an expansive open world. Developed by Studio 369, MetalCore is built within the Unreal Engine 4, where players can engage in PvP mega-battles, cooperative PvE fights, and faction-based, open-world clashes. MetalCore combines the engagement of traditional gaming with benefits of digital assets and in-game asset ownership. To learn more, please join the conversation at, follow us on Twitter @playmetalcore and visit

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