MetalCore+: Kerebos

MetalCore Team
4 min readDec 14, 2021


To your grace Archbishop of Acquisitions T. Woolsey:

May the shareholders payout an annual bonus,

I trust that your grace will find this script concerning the scope and profit potential of this world we live upon satisfactory. Many months of research into the planet’s history and its specification went into this report. I humbly submit this to your grace in hopes of your pleasure and my continued employment.

The data we have unearthed and corroborated with our own studies is as follows: the Solar Empire designation for Kerberos was planet TRM-175. Our star, called Hades, was named TRM-111 by the Solar Empire and was classified as a red giant. We orbit Hades at 110 million kilometers and complete this orbit in 224.8 solar standard days. Kerberos has a circumference of 40 thousand kilometers. Our system, the Hades system, is in the Scutum-Centaurus arm of the Milky Way Galaxy at about 320 degrees galactic longitude from Sol. And as your grace knows, we have only one moon named Scyla, which is orbitally locked to us and is where the apostate Earthers have their infernal base.

The histories tell us that when the visionaries were looking for a place to start their utopia, they had stringent criteria to meet: arable soil, nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere, gravity similar to that of Earth’s, temperate zones, and the like. Not many planets met these criteria, so they settled on our home, Kerberos.

The ancient databases confirm our own records that Kerberos was a lush and verdant world with extensive rainforests, planes, and oceans teeming with life. Also, like the ancient world of Mars, its deserts were a reddish hue, and along with long-range probe data, indicated that it was mineral-rich, perfect for quick industrialization. However, the irresponsible reclamation project of the tomb ship of our holy saints by the despised Gear Breakers caused the detonation of that wreckage on the planet’s surface, killing most of the plant and animal life on the planet.

Our scribes noted that, besides that act of destruction caused by the Gear Breakers, the defiance by them and the so-called Metal Punks against our holy axiom that we, the Apostles of Acquisition, are the rightful rulers of this planet, destroyed most of the planet’s remaining ecosystem.

Our planet is dominated by a massive continent named Metalus. Most of Metalus is rocky, mountainous, and barren. However, some places, such as the Calix planes, are home to hardy grasses and subterranean beasts that have been known to drag armored vehicles down into their lairs, if the rumors are to be believed. The rust worms or the rust belt are also notable for surviving in the nano ruins of central Metalus.

The northern reaches of Metalus is where we landed our corporate vessel and built our Temples of Commerce. To the southwest near the shores of the Brackish sea, the Gear Breakers crashed their ship and used the scrap to cobble together their manufacturing base, and to the southeast of them, the Metal Punks set up their crude Moot Hall on the terminus of Slag Bay.

Upon Metalus, there are three inland seas: the Impact Sea, the Blood Sea, and the Brackish Sea. The Impact sea, blessed be the visionaries, is a holy site, for it is the location of the impact of the Glorious Future and the final resting place of our saints. It was also a profitable ancient tech reclamation program before it was taken from our rightful rule in the second Axiom war. There are also two oceans named Ingot to the south, and Sidaero to the north upon Kerberos.

The two smaller continents Lemos and Dios, as your grace is well aware, have traded hands over the centuries and are now locked in a stalemate. They are unremarkable, besides the rumor that the legendary pernicious nano-raptors stalk the planes of Lemos. Furthermore, they have little of value that’s worth the trouble of extracting from them. They are best ignored.

The opportunities for profit involving the Earthers, their Baronies, and their companies are not direct. However, we have two options to gain profit from the situation. Primarily we can recruit them to our side and cut the direct cost to our military budget, passing the cost and risk off to them. Secondly, as your grace knows, we have many lands that we had to withdraw from in order to form the demilitarized zone after the Paradox War. This new treaty to form the Baronies is an opportunity to reclaim our territories and rekindle the war to gain our rightful position as rulers of Kerberos!

Yours in faith and humble servitude:

Senior Associate Assistant to the Archbishop of Acquisitions G. Keenan

