Introducing Metalinq — Connecting Metaverses

Gaurang (GT) Torvekar
Published in
3 min readAug 23, 2022

There are so many metaverses and no interoperability between them.

When classic Sci-Fi novels like Snow Crash and Ready Player One imagined a Metaverse, they had a vision of one big metaverse which everyone would use. Rather than multiple platforms, one huge galaxy would encompass all the existing virtual worlds. So far, reality has shown us a different world.

Each metaverse environment, in both Web3 and Web2, is currently built in a silo. This creates friction for users. Collectors, enthusiasts and degens are spending millions on wearables & collectibles in the metaverse, only to find out that what they’ve bought has limited use in just one siloed world.

Imagine a future where the existing metaverses become completely interoperable. Where you could move freely and seamlessly from one metaverse to another. And where most importantly, you could bring all your NFT digital assets (avatars, wearables, items, etc.) with you.

The Metaverse will be the Multiverse

The Metaverse is one of the most promising emerging industries in tech. According to Bloomberg Intelligence, it is projected to be an $800bn revenue opportunity by 2024. There are already more than a dozen metaverses (both crypto and non-crypto), with millions of users constantly going back and forth between these applications.

Despite the exceptional potential of the metaverse, we are still very early in its development. The user base is fragmented, with no compatibility or cross-pollination between the different environments.

The walled-garden approach of these metaverse environments creates a divide between creators, users and platforms. Now everyone must choose where they want to invest their time and money.

Although each platform continues to build in a silo, multiple potential synergies exist. From avatars to wearables, in-game assets to collectibles, many items in the digital world should travel with you.

Connecting the Metaverses and creating the Multiverse is a crucial step in helping to increase user adoption.

The next generation of Interoperability — Metalinq!

Metalinq is the first Layer 3 protocol to allow projects to launch new wearable collections across multiple metaverses simultaneously. For the first time, users can purchase a truly interoperable wearable.

The protocol will allow users to transfer existing assets across platforms by focusing on interoperability and remaining blockchain agnostic.

It will also allow NFT degens to track their wearables across all platforms, chains and wallets. The interoperability is encoded into the MetaNFTs, including the 3D file formats and ownership details specific to each metaverse.

Conceptually, it’s similar to how SMTP as a protocol layer sits on top of the TCP/IP protocol layer and uses it to transmit data. In layman’s terms — how email works on top of the internet.

We’re starting with three of the most popular web3 metaverses, Sandbox, Decentraland & CryptoVoxels.

Are you ready to travel the multiverse?

We can’t do this alone! Remember, Dr Strange had the Avengers for support on the big missions. Now Metalinq needs you to join our mission in creating the multiverse. To connect all the digital worlds, we’ll need your support. To get started, join the community over on Discord and get a future reward for being one of the first to join!



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