Metaverse Interoperability: the Future of Web3

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3 min readSep 14, 2022

The Metaverse — an open world promise

First things first. What is a web3 metaverse? The metaverse is a virtual environment where users can interact with each other. In these virtual worlds, users have their own digital identity, the avatars they walk around with (that can be customized), and can even own land to build their own digital spaces.

The metaverse is a blend of what the physical and digital worlds have to offer. For example, clothing brands can build their own shops displaying fashion items (in their digital form), digital artists can showcase their art, gamers can build their own games without any coding skills, musicians can organize virtual concerts, etc. The list is endless. More importantly, the metaverse allows users to extend exposure, gain control over their digital assets, and creates an indiscriminate global market.

The utopian vision of the metaverse is that it should be completely open. Rather than multiple incompatible environments building in silos, all these metaverses could be interconnected, with digital assets being interoperable.

Interoperability — why does it matter?

Interoperability, in the context of the Metaverse, refers to the movement of users, assets, and information from one platform to another. If the metaverse was a truly interoperable environment, users would have the ability to freely move their digital assets across different platforms. This is not currently the case, as all existing metaverse worlds are incompatible with one another.

Interoperability will unlock the full power of the metaverse. Some analysts see the metaverse as the next phase of the internet. The current web is working very well because it is interoperable: different networks work on top of each other, connecting seamlessly. There needs to be this type of interconnectivity between metaverse platforms to achieve their true potential.

The changes we are experiencing with the metaverse are more than just a technological ‘upgrade’. They reflect a social and cultural shift. With the metaverse, digital experiences and identity are becoming more significant to users. Just as they see their social media platforms as an extension of themselves. The metaverse represents a new way for users to express themselves, socialize, and create. Interoperability is necessary to allow this new ecosystem to thrive.

The main reason for the current lack of connectivity between metaverses is the absence of standards. All metaverse projects are being built in silos, resulting in digital assets being incompatible across platforms. For example, if you buy a Sandbox NFT wearable, you couldn’t use it in Decentraland, Cryptovoxels, or any other metaverse. It’s the sneaker dilemma.

There are so many synergies between the different digital environments, so developing interoperability between them would truly improve the experience for users. Imagine if you could create wearables or in-game assets that could be used and transferred into any digital world!

Metaverse to Multiverse

The endless possibilities of the metaverse are based on the power of NFT technology. This technology is still in its early stages, and interoperability will be a key development for its future! The fact that users are able to truly own and control their assets is already an amazing development, but the ability to use NFTs across different platforms/chains will elevate them to the next level.

If NFTs were interoperable, it would build bridges between all the existing metaverses. Rather than multiple metaverses with strict borders between them, there could be one multiverse encompassing borderless digital worlds. Users could seamlessly jump from one platform to another, bringing their digital assets with them.

Picture this: you just won a sword in your new favorite blockchain game. Rather than just letting it sit in your wallet, you can transport it to Decentraland, or take it to a new game you want to try out. The same applies to avatars or any in-world assets existing in the metaverse. With interoperability, the possibilities of what users could do with their digital assets are endless!

Metalinq was created to unlock the potential of NFTs and the Metaverse. The protocol allows for the seamless and trustless transfer of digital assets and information across metaverses and chains. Learn more about the Metalinq protocol below!

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