This is not the umpteenth AI blog

Why we started a company blog

2 min readMar 4, 2019


Opening a company blog is a crucial step, especially for a startup. It means starting a challenging project with several people, if not with the whole team (as it is in our case). This is because writing blog posts is quite far from our daily tech and programming activities.

Needless to say that communication today is essential, so the choice may seem absolutely normal if not even obvious; but, at least in our case, it isn’t part of a pure communication strategy. We strongly believe that opening up our daily worklife to the world will help us to create a better product in the AI field.

In fact, even if we hear and read about Artificial Intelligence everywhere, our feeling is that the talk is always around the same issues, in a rather redundant way (at least for those who work the field).

Instead, when the blog’s idea came up, everyone in the team had so many brilliant topics to talk about. We will be writing about the first 30 months of R&D and business experience in the AI field.

In this space we will tackle different topics, from the more technical ones, in which we will try to present the challenges, the solutions, the successes and (why not?) even the failures that have made us grow and evolve, but also the path of growth and positioning of our startup, packed of tech and industry events, presentations and meetings with customers and partners, calls with VC and also some awards. We will also try to give our vision of the business, telling the challenges of proposing AI solutions dedicated to a vertical industry that has gone through and is going through a revolution from the point of view of interaction and role of the spectator.

Long story short we will try to talk about technical issues with a slightly different perspective of scientific papers (when it comes to deliver to customers quality and reliable services it’s quite different!) and to tell how often we are sitting with our customers to build new opportunities to use the technology that we grow every day.

We all hope you’ll enjoy reading and maybe reach out to talk.




Metaliquid is a Computer Vision startup which has developed a video and image analysis solution with AI recognition models for the media industry.