Define Our Target Users

Estelle Jiang
3 min readApr 1, 2020

After we interviewed some stakeholders we can reach out, we had a better understanding about our target users and the relationships between different stakeholders. To better visualize the relationships of our stakeholders and guide our further interviews and researches, we drew out the stakeholder map and the relationship map.

Stakeholder Map

As we can see from the graph, the end users and learners for the platform that we are trying to build are some IT generalists and resellers in the other companies, who need to take Acronis product trainings to get familiar with the features of products and how Acronis products work before they can use them and sell them to other companies. The Acronis staff are taking care of designing the training materials, such as instructions and assessment, delivering the training session online and then dealing with the problems and concerns raised during the training session along the way.

Besides these two groups of users, we also interviewed some people in the field of cybersecurity to understand the project contexts and also interviewed instructional designers to get suggestions about how to design and deliver a good instructional training for learners. (detailed interviews and insights can be found from previous articles.)

Main stakeholders

We narrowed down our focus to these two major user groups and also verified our understanding with clients by showing them the graph we drew.

Throughout the interview, we were able to better picture out our target users. Therefore, as a way to synthesize and converge all the research findings into one point, we generated the personas to guide us further ideation and design process. Two personas target to the learners and one persona targets to the trainers.

First at all, let’s meet to Jason Brown and he is a new to the Acronis product sale team and he has no idea about the backup product before. He wish he can keep the same pace with everyone to master the training materials.

Persona 1 — Novice Learner
Persona 2 — Expert Learner
Persona 3 — Trainer

From here, we will try to design our solutions to meet their needs and solve their frustrations with a better learning experience as well as training experience.

Thank you for reading and please check out our next article.

