Using Affinity Diagram to Synthesize

Chelsea Hua
4 min readApr 1, 2020

After we conducted several interviews with instructional designers, experts in the cybersecurity fields, and the training manager in Acronis, we tried to use one big affinity diagram to synthesize what we learned from them.

01. Qualitative Data Coding

We created a numbering system for our interview notes: [Initial of the Interviewee’s name | the number of the question| the number of the answer] and then print the notes out and cut them.

We then started to re-read and annotate each answer. During the process, we highlight the important words and summarize the main idea into sticky notes.

02. Categorizing

When it came to categorizing, we thought about dividing the affinity diagram into two — trainer and learner. However, we figured out many topics and the pain points are similar. As a result, we decided to use a big affinity diagram and use sticky notes of different colors to present different interviewees.

Our Topics:

Feature, Tools, Design, training, and learning process, Motivation, Challenges, Learning goals, Assessment, Evaluation, Attitude, and Needs.

03. First-round synthesis

Based on the affinity diagram we have, we did the first round synthesis. We figured out three main insights:

(1) The real-world scenarios based on the domain are important for leaners.

(2) Time constraint is the biggest pain point for both trainers and learners.

(3) The design goal should align with both the learning goal and the business goal.

04. Second-round Synthesis

As we kept conducting interviews, we gradually add more topics to our big affinity diagram such as prior knowledge and user feedback.

Meanwhile, we also generated more insights. In order to better organize and understand them, we made another diagram and categorize our problem spaces into some main categories.

As you can see from the following picture, there are many problems with the current training program. For example, the training materials are too long and learners usually get bored when watching the video. We also learned from the users that there can be many valuable features to help to learn.

The most important insights we generate from this diagram are:

(1)Different prior knowledge calls for the requirement of personalization but it’s hard for the business to develop.

Real-world scenarios and personalization are super useful for learners but hard for the business to develop. As a result, we need to balance the learning goal and business goal.

(2) Good feedback and assessment can help with learning tracks.

Currently, Acronis cannot get feedback from the learners so that they don’t know how well they learned and thus don’t know how to improve their training.

05. Design Implications

Design implications are then generated based on the above synthesis.

(1) Design better assessment which can give real tests (such as phishing emails) to see how well the learners learned.

(2) Add Pre-quiz to test prior knowledge and do the personalization to some degree.

(3) Add real-world scenarios to the training.

(4) Only teach commonly used features in detail and let the learners know how to find other features.

