Judging the Generalized MetaTransaction Contest

Erik Marks
Published in
1 min readJan 24, 2020

Many thanks to the talented teams and individuals that participated in our Generalized MetaTransaction Contest. We are humbled by the enthusiasm of you and the Ethereum community! You are the reason why we wouldn’t want to be working with anything else.

The contest is now over, and we were surprised by the number of excellent submissions we received. To fully evaluate all entries, the judges have chosen to actually try out the submitted tools with their own smart contracts! We want to give special thanks to our thoughtful and thorough judges:

To make sure that our judges have enough time, we are postponing the prize announcement until next week (January 27 to February 2, 2020). So, stay tuned for an announcement on Medium and Twitter in the days to come!

While you wait, you can check out all the awesome submissions on the GitCoin issue page. Speaking of GitCoin, we couldn’t have done this without them, so don’t forget to give them a follow on Twitter. Thanks again!

