MetaMask Mobile Beta — a feature guide and walkthrough!

Jason Lee
Published in
5 min readJul 23, 2019

This is an exciting day for us all! We told you all last year at Devcon 4 (About 9 months ago) that we wanted to build a MetaMask Mobile application, and today we’re ready to launch the app in a Public Beta version. Over the next couple months, we’ll use this Beta to gather feedback from the community before our V1 launch this fall.

To try MetaMask Mobile today, go to on your device!

Rather than just another wallet, MetaMask Mobile is a bridge to the decentralized web, with a dapp-centric browsing experience, intuitive on-boarding, and features that sync with your desktop MetaMask accounts.

In this article we will be highlighting some exciting features that our Mobile team was able to incorporate and develop in just under a year!

New-User friendly Onboarding

Have you ever heard that blockchain is hard and to complex for your average user? Well so have we, and as a result we have made some changes to our onboarding flow that will have your non crypto savvy friends exploring a DApp in about 30 seconds. Sound too good to be true? Well check out the demo below showing

  1. Create a new MetaMask wallet in seconds!
  2. A walkthrough of the app to answer the first questions of a user when they onboard to web3 & show them what they can do with Metamask
  3. A list of featured applications that they can explore and get started with!

Browser Sync with Extension

If you are a hardcore developer, crypto trader or power Dapp user it is likely you will have a lot of transaction history and accounts on your MetaMask desktop extension. You will be glad to know that you can sync your entire wallet (accounts, nicknames, tokens, transaction history) to MetaMask on Mobile so all your info is now with you on the go. Your desktop extension will simply generate a QR code and when scanned by your mobile device a sync of information will happen in seconds.

ERC- 721 support (Collectibles)

ERC-721 is a free, open standard that describes how to build non-fungible or unique tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. While most tokens are fungible, ERC-721 tokens are all unique. Support for this token standard now allows anyone in the world to own Non-Fungible assets in their MetaMask Mobile wallet. Send, receive, and view your favorite collectible at any time on the go!


Enjoy instant and free(gasless!) payments with the use of Payment Channels (A Type of State Channel) via Connext. With the exception of your initial deposit and withdrawal from the payment channel this feature enables gas free payments between users. This is done to create one fast and seamless experience between wallets, browsers, and applications.

This is an experimental opt-in feature, and you can enable it from Settings > Experimental > Payment Channels / InstaPay > View Wallet

Other included features in MetaMask Mobile Beta


  • An Onboarding wizard / tutorial to help everyone get started and familiarize themselves with the app
  • Already have a wallet? Sync with your Metamask desktop wallet in seconds or import an external account with seedphrase
  • Are you a new user? Create a new wallet in seconds! No security backup needed till you have funds in your account!
  • Don’t have cryptocurrency? Get started simply by either buying cryptocurrency from one of the exchanges listed in ‘Buy Crypto’ or simply ask a friend by making a ‘Receive’ payment request. A more native integration of buying crypto from Metamask mobile is coming soon


  • HD wallet with new account creation on demand
  • Manage, send and receive ETH, ERC20, ERC721 tokens from your wallet Includes autodetection of which tokens you have and support for watching tokens suggested by DApps.
  • Token and collectible autodetection (custom tokens, from eth-contract-metadata and autodetection) with long tap functionality to stop watching a specific asset.
  • ENS Support (you can send any assets to an ENS name)
  • Payment Channels built-in support — “InstaPay”
  • Improved Transaction history, now we’re able to show what’s each transaction about (Sent tokens, deployed contracts, sent or received ETH)
  • Ability to view your seed phrase export private keys and Import private keys
  • QR code scanner
  • Deeplinks (with EIP-681 support)
  • EIP-681 — Payment URLs
  • Simplified gas controls
  • Ability to send assets in Fiat or Crypto amount

Web3 Browser functions

  • Message signing- personal_sign, eth_sign and EIP-712 — signTypedData
  • DApps can access QR Code scanner (Support for EIP-945)
  • WalletConnect support for Mobile (use dapps from safari / chrome)
  • Favorite dApps — (available through spotlight in iOS)
  • Ability to open multiple tabs, bookmark pages, and share urls
  • ENS-> IPFS — you can access .eth websites hosted in IPFS through the browser
  • Ability to choose your IPFS gateway.
  • EIP-747 — watchAsset support


  • Mainnet, Ropsten, Rinkeby, Kovan, Goerli
  • Custom RPCs


  • Biometrics support — TouchID, FaceID and Passcode on iOS, Fingerprint / PIN on Android
  • Privacy mode enabled by default- EIP-1102
  • Seed phrase backup
  • Export private key
  • Incremental account security
  • EIP-1193: concurrent standard and legacy support
  • Support unprotected devices on iOS
  • Phishing detection

Signup to try MetaMask Mobile today!

We are still in Beta, and we want your feedback to improve! So please use the ‘Send Feedback’ button from within the app to send us any bug reports or general feedback and feature requests — we are actively listening to your needs and you can expect improvement updates in the app frequently.

As always, thanks to our wonderful community members for their help & participation. We couldn’t do it without you!

Stay foxy,

Jason & the MetaMask team



Jason Lee

BizDev & Partnerships at Phantom | Previously @coinbase @metamask_io and @ConsenSys