Privacy Mode is now enabled by default

Bobby Dresser
Published in
2 min readAug 1, 2019

Last year, MetaMask introduced Privacy Mode, an ecosystem-wide standard to improve user privacy on Ethereum. Rather than exposing users’ Ethereum addresses to all sites, Privacy Mode (detailed in EIP 1102) requires that websites ask for user consent before wallets reveal an address.

Privacy Mode has been enabled by default for new users for the past several months, and available as an opt-in setting for existing users. In MetaMask v7.0, we’re making Privacy Mode the default for every MetaMask user. We believe this is an important step for the usability and privacy of users in the Ethereum ecosystem. This update will be rolling out gradually over the next week.

What this means for users

Many MetaMask users are familiar with the “Connect” screen, where sites ask for your address. Users will continue to see this confirmation screen when interacting with a new application.

Thousands of dapps have updated to support EIP 1102. However, there are some projects out there that aren’t currently maintained or haven’t adopted the new standard.

If you’re having trouble connecting to a dapp, pop open MetaMask from your toolbar and you’ll see an option to manually share your address with the current site.

As always, Privacy Mode can be turned on and off via your settings. If you have questions, please reach out to

What this means for developer users

If your dapp doesn’t support EIP 1102, you’re long overdue to update and stay in step with the ecosystem. Your UX and your users’ privacy is at stake! Follow this guide and feel free to reach out on Github or Twitter with questions.

