Call for Submissions

Published in
2 min readNov 26, 2019

At MetaMesh, we’re passionate about blockchain, and as a new publication, we’re looking for authors that are too.

As the technology matures, the everyday realities may not live up to the unlimited promise of blockchain. So, we think it’s important to balance the hype by exploring the everyday concerns of businesses and individuals who are trying to implement this technology and learn about this rapidly expanding industry.

We are interested in submissions about the intersectionality of blockchain and your perspective on the world. Whether you are a blockchain enthusiast or are a skeptical detractor, your story is welcome!

To keep things simple for reviewing these submissions, we will consider blockchain to include:

  • Decentralized applications (aka dApps)
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Distributed ledger technology (aka DLT), such as Hyperledger

For ideas, here are some topics we are interested in:

Security and Privacy

  1. Personal experiences with losing your crypto key and if you were able to recover it
  2. What strategies you use to make sure that your crypto is safe, including using multiple types of wallets and exchanges to de-risk your portfolio
  3. A security expert’s opinion on the risks and challenges to widespread adoption of blockchain
  4. Self-sovereign identity (SSID)/digital identity (DID) and how they are meant to combat the erosion of personal privacy on the internet

Crypto Winter

  1. How has crypto winter affected your opinion of blockchain and crypto?
  2. Stories from people who gave up and left the blockchain and crypto space
  3. Stories from people who stuck through or have come back to blockchain and crypto after leaving because of crypto winter

Hope and vision: from the past and for the future

  1. What drew you to blockchain and does it still hold true for you?
  2. Do you still believe the early promise of blockchain and what hopes do you have?
  3. What do you think blockchain needs in order to achieve widespread adoption?

Intersection between blockchain and other technology

  1. IoT and blockchain
  2. Cell phones, other hardware, and blockchain
  3. Aging banking infrastructure and blockchain

Blockchain and society

  1. How government and regulations could help or hinder blockchain
  2. Experiences trying to explain crypto and blockchain to people in your daily life and what people you know outside the field are saying about it
  3. Examples of using blockchain in everyday life with friends or family and how it felt to glimpse what could be the future of technology

