Introduction: Privacy protection of Auth3 Network

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4 min readAug 16, 2021

All will ultimately be attributed to the data, which generate by what we do. And this digital gold rush benefits both companies and customers. Data has become a veritable asset, an important factor of production, and is listed as an important factor of survival along with capital, labor, land, and technology.

As mentioned earlier, data has been applied to all aspects of life, providing great convenience, and also causing great damage to personal privacy for the high degree of information technology has increased the risk of personal private information leakage; meanwhile, the control of data by major application vendors has brought out isolated data islands.

Blockchain + Privacy Computing

As Kevin Kelly stated in “The Inevitable”, “Data is not used for collection and storage. What they need is flow. When they are connected to other data and in a state of flow, they can play a more powerful role.” However, because data has a certain degree of privacy and potential economic value at the same time, data security and privacy protection have become inevitable problems in the process of data using.

In the past two years, privacy computing has emerged as a new technology field to ensure data security. “Privacy computing” refers to the ability to keep the data from leaving the local environment to ensure security during the process of processing and analyzing the data, while allowing the data customer to obtain the calculation results, which is conducive to breaking through the problems of data protection and industrial applications.

Actually, Auth3 uses privacy computing technology to protect data privacy and we allow users to store their on-premise or in any third-party storage services that they trust, e.g., IPFS, TEE-based GCP, etc. Specifically, the Auth3 engine acts as a reliable neutral party during the entire data circulation and transaction process for data authentication and Computation auth.

When doing data authentication To confirm the data ownership, authenticity, and data quality. Users could select an Auth Engine node to verify the authenticity of data and generate a data report, which leverages secure computing technology including TEE, MPC, and Federated Learning to ensure the raw data will not be exposed during the whole computation procedure.

During data aggregation and publication, the data operator needs to collect all data from different data providers. To protect data privacy, Auth3 allows data providers to send only data reports but not the raw data to the operator.

Auth3 needs to ensure that the data report is trusted and can be verified. To achieve this goal, each Auth3 engine generates a pair of keys in the TEE and the keys are protected by trusted hardware. After finishing the data authentication, the engine uses the private key to sign the report.

Anyone can verify the data report by using the public key of the Auth3 engine. To ensure that the correct key can be obtained, the Auth3 engine will submit its public key to the blockchain when joining the network. Auth3 DAO can help to verify that the corresponding private key is protected within a TEE instance. After that, anyone can get the correct public key from the blockchain.

Given all the above, Auth3 will ensure the privacy of users’ data in all aspects.

Except that, We use blockchain technology with trustless, tamper-proof, traceability transparency and distributed environment, to serve as the infrastructure for the circulation and deposit of tokens (including auth3 token & data token) in the auth3 Network.

Take advantage of the trend

In the past, people were willing to give up personal privacy for more convenience, but the current data market is either chaotic or unbridled. It is either like a wild horse and flows disorderly, or it becomes an island of value.

Auth3 uses privacy computing and blockchain technology to ensure the chain-to-chain privacy of mission data, the security of the entire data life cycle, and the traceability of the process. To realize data circulation and release the value of data.

In the future, we will continue to take advantage of these to move forward steadily and develop into an indispensable link in the field of data privacy.


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