MBuddy Identity reached 25K users and now partnering with OKXChain



Despite all internet-based industry sectors have been striding towards decentralized solutions, the mass decentralized services still depend on Web2 platforms to grow their influence. Recognizing the vast data value accumulated in Web2 services, Web3 projects seek to connect their Web2 followers with their Web3 profiles. Often this is done manually or through centralized task platforms such as Gleam.

This is a glimpse of a larger problem that the blockchain industry faces. When we enter Web3, we shouldn’t be entering a world that’s completely disconnected from where we come from. People shall be able to find their virtual alter-ego in Web 3.0+. However, without a solution to provide a trustworthy identity, this world will be full of deception and scams.

Leveraging cutting-edge secure computation and blockchain technologies, MetaMirror presents a non-compromised solution that seamlessly connects users’ Web2 and Web3 identities with full decentralization and privacy protection, allowing individual users to mirror their off-chain characteristics onto the on-chain world. Upon this, they can leverage these verified identity characteristics in Web 3.0+ activities for personal good.

On the other hand, For Web3 applications, MBuddy provides authenticated identity insights about the users. MBuddy can help the projects to find the right people that meet the project preferences or requirements.

The story so far

As the only DID service that truly protects users’ data rights, MetaMirror has quickly become the go-to community management solution in the Oasis blockchain ecosystem. In particular, its identity solution, MBuddy, is applied in building a strong bond between project and community, through community-specific identity attributes and soulbound NFT badges.

Last week on Aug 25, MetaMirror announced its first partnership outside the Oasis ecosystem with the OKXChain ecosystem. Simultaneously, OKXChain launched its first decentralized campaign using MBuddy Campaign. Within 48 hours, over 1.8K users joined this automated campaign, and 1667 successfully completed all tasks and claimed a campaign NFT Badge. Within only 72 hours after the OKXChain MBuddy Campaign, dozens of communities from outside the Oasis ecosystem applied for onboarding access to launch their own MBuddy Campaign.

Looking Forward

As the first DID service on OKC, we look forward to establishing a deep collaboration with the OKC ecosystem and providing a truly decentralized campaign experience for the OKC community. To better suit the need for OKC projects, MetaMirror has connected to OKXChain and will soon also support OKX Wallet.

We invite all OKC projects to onboard to MetaMirror.

  • Boost campaign popularity: add more fun to a campaign by rewarding an NFT badge to all the campaign participants. Free to airdrop. All you need is one image.
  • Reach more users: as the largest NFT platform and the largest DID service on Oasis Network, MBuddy Campaign helps you reach a large and active user base.
  • Automate and scale your campaign: no more manual hassle checking who completed the tasks. Check tasks using our built-in algorithms.
  • Build a deeper bond with your community: give users free-to-collect supporter badges and SOULBOUND tokens. The more they collect, the more they can’t stop!
  • Deeper integration into the OKX ecosystem: integrate with more data sources from projects in the OKX ecosystem to give users more fun and versatile experiences.
  • Marketing support: To provide better service OKC community, we offer additional marketing support to qualified OKC projects. In the past, MetaMirror has accumulated a large NFT community and has recently collaborated with the largest AAA game in the Ethereum ecosystem. We encourage more NFT and GameFi projects onboard to MBuddy Portal.

Explore MetaMirror website and ecosystem: https://linktr.ee/auth3metamirror

To apply for MBuddy Keeper access, please visit our Build Center: https://mbuddy.metamirror.space/




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