When After Sales Service met AI | Acquisition of Jubi.ai by Servify

Trish Mehta
Published in
3 min readNov 7, 2022

The Story

Servify is a global product lifecycle management platform that brings together every ecosystem partner to deliver happiness to the consumer. From Samsung and OnePlus to Apple, Servify takes care of your device at every stage. A Blume portfolio, Servify reached out to MetaMorph in December 2020, looking for a team that could enhance their product further.

The Challenge

To create a seamless after-sales service with a product or a team that could help them achieve just that. Within the domain, as the leading provider of the same, Servify was open to acquihiring as well as acquisitions. The organisation strived for perfection and was looking for an addition to attain it.

The Brief

While the brass tacks were covered, in terms of the technical expertise Servify needed, Sreevastha Prabhakar, the founder had a specific skill set for the person he was looking for as well. Servify was looking to work with someone that was a founder, and moreover, one that had, in his words, ‘gone all out’ in building their business and product. Servify was looking for open-minded adaptability — putting equal importance on culture-fit, as much as they were giving weightage to the product and the business.

The Solution

To cover the technical and product expertise for Servify, we decided to look for ChatBot organisations that dealt with customers in a similar way.

The pandemic gave rise to a significant number of ChatBot companies, however, due to the stark increase within the domain, they also had issues scaling up.

When looking at the organisations from an expertise perspective, we kept two things in mind

  • Do the team and product solve any problem that could enhance a Blume portfolio, specifically?
  • Is the company on the same trajectory, though on a smaller scale, as what Blume portfolio companies have already achieved?

One of the companies fitting both of these criteria was Jubi.ai. An Artificial Intelligence powered engaging conversational bot platform, that automates customer support. With an already strong presence with companies such as Edelweiss and Mahindra Finance, Jubi.ai and its team came with the expertise that Servify was looking for to support customer interactions with a futuristic lens.

Next, we looked at the culture and people-centric capabilities that Servify needed.

  • How excited is the founder about the startup ecosystem?
  • Is there any enthusiasm with regards to acquisitions or acquihire?
  • Are they adaptable, open to change, and passionate about their team, as much as their business?

After our initial conversations with Jubi.ai founders in May 2021, we knew that they were the perfect fit for Servify.

With the perfect fit, Servify was onboard with welcoming Jubi.ai into the company. Additionally, for Jubi.ai, since the security and well-being of their team were paramount to them, MetaMorph had that covered. Hear it from Subhadeep Bhattacharya, the founder of Jubi.ai himself, “The kind of collaborations that MetaMorph has engaged with me has been very transparent and ensured that the value my team and I bring has been taken care of.”

With both parties in agreement, Servify acquired Jubi.ai in August 2021, and as one company, they continue to give you the most seamless customer experience possible yet.

To read more about the acquisition, click here.

To know more about Acquisitions and Acquihire, email us at swati@metamorph.work

