How We Got Our Morals

Does morality develop from innate templates in our brain or is it a social construct? Like a fiddler on the roof, can we balance the disparate takes on the development of morality to form a coherent story? Ideas from Michel Foucault, Friedrich Nietzsche, Noam Chomsky, and Peter Kropotkin

Ilias Rentzeperis


Noam Chomsky and Michel Foucault in 1971 arguing about human nature. Drawing by Anastasia Lavdaniti

As you walk down a street, brooding on ways to make ends meet, you notice someone dropping a 100 dollar bill; you pick it up and return it.

While hurrying to an important meeting, you cross an elderly person staggering while carrying a bag; you turn back and offer to help.

After the Nazi occupation in Poland, Maximilian Kobe, a Franciscan friar, was put to the Auschwitz concentration camp for refusing to become a mouthpiece for the German forces. There, he offered to sacrifice himself, in exchange for the life of a man, unknown to him. After two weeks of starvation, he was spared by a lethal injection.

From the everyday to the heroic, moral acts transcend the individual beyond the narrow confines of self-interest. The members of a group performing this kind of deeds typically benefit their comrades, but, like Maximilian Kobe, could also suffer the kind of…



Ilias Rentzeperis

Neuroscience PhD in Zurich, research wanderings in Tokyo, Stanford, Leuven, Paris, Madrid. science/art/hallucinations/fairy tales <>