Finding a practice ground: ReSpace

Ellie Osborne
Metamorphosis matters
2 min readMay 19, 2017
The H.I.V.E Dalston

Through a long trail of connections stemming from School of System Change I met with Gee from ReSpace and The H.I.V.E. (Human Interest Versatile Environment). ReSpace was conceived to use waste more efficiently. Defining waste in its broadest concept; space, materials, food, time, skills etc. The H.I.V.E. is their first project reusing empty buildings and wasted resources to create an independent environmental, arts, culture social space for the community.

The H.I.V.E. is self sustaining and works alongside and within our mainstream society. It is an example of an alternative system, that is not capitalist.

They want to scale up and develop their concept, and have many projects and opportunities ready to develop working towards a bigger vision of an interlinked web of similar and connected projects; seeds ready to scatter to replicate and expand their system.

Questions that stem from this might come under ‘their world’ from my challenge breakdown previously.

: How do ReSpace reach their vision for 2020, 2025 etc?

: How do ReSpace harness the community, culture and art within the building and community, to widen their circle of influence?

: How can ReSpace create the dandelion effect? (planting their seeds to grow)

: How can ReSpace work with and collaborate with corporates to benefit from the mainstream society, while still remaining independent?

These questions hark back to the multi-level perspective model of change; thinking systemically about how to build bridges between the regime and the niche — in this case the H.I.V.E. and ReSpace are the niche, corporates are the regime. And capturing the arts, culture and zeitgeist to make change happen — H.I.V.E. is a cultural and arts hub perfectly placed to open up windows of opportunity through influencing the wider cultural conversation

It would appear that the stars are aligned: As a challenge — it can be a great mutual learning space for us both, ReSpace and myself. Gee is looking for help and advice on how to make this complex vision a reality. Personally this is a fantastic opportunity to learn and experience an alternative system, practise facilitation, diagnosis, mapping and other capabilities I’ve gained so far from The School of System Change.

Bongo collection at The H.I.V.E. Dalston



Ellie Osborne
Metamorphosis matters

Collaborator | Facilitator | Researcher | Designer | Coach | Always learning | Endlessly fascinated by nature, systems, relationship, and why | She/Her