Current Development News — Q4 2018

We are excited about our progress on the recent improvements to the platform.

Daniel Lew
MetaMorph.Pro — DEX of Tomorrow $METM
3 min readNov 25, 2018


As promised we are continuously implementing features and improving the MetaMorph.Pro platform. While this of course means that we are getting closer to the goal post, the platform is still in a beta version as there are still improvements to be made until we are truly happy to release the full version.

All of the below features have been implemented today and are currently LIVE.


Ledger support

  • Users can now log in to the MetaMorph.Pro platform using their Ledger wallet and start trading, exchanging and managing their assets directly from it!

Overall performance optimization

  • The platform has undergone several performance optimizations to increase the loading speed and use of it. We will continue to improve wherever possible in an ongoing effort to deliver the best possible user experience to our users.


  • Navigation has been made much easier. We have implemented tooltips in the trading section to enhance the user experience and to increase the ease of use when trading on the platform.

Light skin

  • Everything has been fine-tuned and users can now switch between the light and the dark skin.

Visual enhancements

  • Icons and symbols have been updated.

Stay tuned for more features to be added in the near future…

  • Notification system in header.
  • Switch values between METM/ETH functionality in the header.
  • More languages supported
  • More currencies supported.
  • Add to favorite functionality for markets in the trading section.
  • Predefined and curated ‘add token’ list.
  • And much more!

Previous updates


  • Preparing the implementation of light skin.
  • Preparing notifications to be implemented in the trading section.
  • Optimizing visuals in the trading section.
  • Preparing the implementation of new tooltips UI.


  • METM pair orders are now displayed correctly in the report section.
  • Orders that are placed are now visible under opened orders after just a few seconds.
  • Bug fixed that showed wrong decimals for certain trading pairs.
  • The trade history now displays the correct assets and amounts.


  • Decimal error fixed in the report section.
  • Major performance upgrades on the trading/wallet/portfolio section.
  • Bug fixed that prevented orders from being canceled.
  • Bug fixed that prevented open orders to show for some users in the trading section.
  • Exchanges are now identified as a transaction type in the report section.


  • Orderbook pruning for invalid orders implemented in the trading section.
  • USD value fixed in the exchange section.
  • Price and total price disabled when filling an order in the trading section.
  • Input fields optimized in the trading section.
  • Values under opened orders fixed in the trading.


  • Correct data now displayed in the portfolio section.
  • Pie chart has been fixed to display correct data in the portfolio section.
  • The METM value now displays the correct data in the header.
  • USD values are now displayed correctly in the wallet section.
  • N/A issue has been resolved throughout the platform.
  • METM/WETH pair bug fixed in the trading section — ongoing updates will be performed.
  • Request text displayed in MetaMask has been optimized.
  • General UI optimization performed throughout the platform.

Please clear your browser cache in order to experience the latest version of MetaMorph.Pro. The platform is actively being worked on, so updates can be expected to be made daily.

Start Trading on and enjoy ZERO percent fees during BETA

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