The MetaMorph Pro BETA is Finally Here!

Welcome to the beta version of the MetaMorph Pro all-in-one platform to manage, exchange and trade cryptocurrencies. You can now track, trade, exchange, send and receive all your cryptocurrencies in one place.

We are all very happy to finally be able to share the results of many months of hard work with everyone and we truly do appreciate the level of patience the community has shown when the launch of the platform was delayed. To show our gratitude, there will be NO trading fees during the entire beta period. Enjoy!

We will be adding more features in the coming days and weeks. We are just getting started!

Markets page enabled once fully tested.

This page offers an overview of all cryptocurrency markets on the platform and gives the user the ability to filter between the different markets in terms of price, volume, 24hr change and much more, to better analyze the performance of each cryptocurrency compared to others.

Light theme enabled once perfected for all sections.

The light skin blows us away. We cannot wait for it to be fully implemented and it will be as soon as all the small bits are fully aligned with our theme and the graphs.

Notification system enabled once implemented for all sections.

The notification system serves to assist and inform users about the status of orders and transactions when trading as well as incoming and outgoing transactions from the wallet.

General user interface optimization.

We are vigorous when it comes to perfecting visuals of the platform and this will probably become a never-ending task.

Tier-based chatbox finalized and implemented

The METM chatbox will give users the opportunity to discuss and chat. We are implementing a tier-based chat where users will be labeled according to the amount of METM they hold.

Additional currencies and languages supported.

We want everyone to participate, so in the coming weeks, we will be implementing many more currencies and languages. Stay tuned!

Next year will be an exciting and busy time for MetaMorph.Pro as we proceed with adding and developing more features to improve the platform and the user experience.

Desktop version

The desktop version will look and feel similar to the browser-based version and it will have the same if not more functionalities.

Mobile version

The platform will be integrated to work seamlessly on IOS and Android while retaining its iconic design and user-friendliness. It is evident that a move from a browser-based platform to a mobile device will require extra care and attention to details as the experience of using the platform on a device will be vastly different than using it in a browser. Mobile users are not always stationary when they use their devices, so this is something we will be accommodating in the design and functionalities in the new versions.

Referral program

The referral program is still being developed and unfortunately, we cannot offer any final details as of now. We will share them as soon as possible. We can, however, share our thoughts on the matter. We want to create a referral program that rewards traders for using the platform and we are currently testing different options to achieve this

We look forward to receiving feedback from everyone in the coming time and to improve and further enhance the trading experience. Join the Reddit AMA announced soon to get answers to any questions you may have.

Happy trading!

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