Neptune Transit in Pisces from February 18th 2023 until March 2025


By wirestockc

Neptune enters Pisces at 15:34 , based on Vedic Constellation astrology

When Neptune transits through Pisces, an intense and powerful energy is released, affecting all aspects of life.

This transformative and influential energy has the potential to bring about profound changes in the lives of those who feel its effects.

If we take the time to listen and understand its messages and venture on a journey of insight and growth.

Committing to trusting in our inner guidance and the promises of the Universe.

The journey through Pisces can bring about positive and negative experiences, depending on how the individual chooses to channel it.

I will explore the pros and cons of Neptune transiting in Pisces and discuss the do’s and don’ts of this astrological transit.

With an in-depth look at this powerful energy and its effects, we can gain greater insight into how to make the most of this transit and navigate the challenges that may arise.

The influence of Neptune in Pisces is complex and far-reaching, like a giant octopus reaching its tentacles into every corner of our lives.



Imani Nia Ife
Metanoia –Holistic Personal development

Hi, I'm your friendly neighbourhood writer and Astrological Life Coach! When I'm not writing or helping people live their best life, I'm sniffing out bullcrap.