Weekly Horoscope, Applied Astrology Forecast, 4th to 10th of June 2023, Including the super full moon in Scorpio on the 4th of June

Imani Nia Ife
Metanoia –Holistic Personal development
21 min readJun 2, 2023


Based on constellational astrology focuses on the movements of the Moon, the Sun and the planets.

all images owned by author

A day-to-day overview of this week’s astrology

4 June 2023

Super Moon at 04:42

Full Moon at 04:42

Moon Void, of Course, Starts at 04:42

The Moon being “void of course” happens when the Moon makes its last major aspect to a planet before entering a new sign.

This period, which can last anywhere from a few minutes to several hours, is considered a time for rest and reflection rather than initiating new projects or making important decisions.

However, it can be a great time for introspection, meditation, spiritual practices, and finishing up tasks already in progress.

Read more about the void of course moon do’s and don’ts here.

Moon enters Sagittarius at 22:53

The Moon entering Sagittarius can bring a sense of adventure and optimism. Sagittarius is a fire sign known for its love of exploration and open-mindedness.



Imani Nia Ife
Metanoia –Holistic Personal development

Hi, I'm your friendly neighbourhood writer and Astrological Life Coach! When I'm not writing or helping people live their best life, I'm sniffing out bullcrap.