The Luckiest Person in the World.

This Is The Truth!

Thomas Cherickal
5 min readFeb 25, 2021


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Photo by Daniel Halseth on Unsplash

Who am I?

My name is Thomas.

I don’t look that great (6 ft.0 in, 220 pounds).

I have no taste for fashion styles, etc.

I have friends, some casual, others closer than family.

I don’t have a ton of money.

I’m a plain staple of society.

Nothing special.

Quite ordinary.

Does any of that make me the luckiest and happiest person in the world? Well…

I am a Christian who is trying to live ethically (don’t always succeed). But —

I have a relationship with God.

Despite all my failures, He remains with me. But only because I want Him to.

In my God — I am the luckiest and happiest person on Earth.

I’m not exactly photogenic or visually attractive. If anything, the exact opposite.

But the Creator of the Universe is Suffering on a Cross for My Sins (Present Tense) — Because He loves Me so much that it’s like I’m the only Person in the world who exists for Him.

It’s that way for everybody.

Photo by Luke Ellis-Craven on Unsplash

We all live within our own realities.

I have my reality from my point of view.

You have your reality from your point of view.

And opposite us in our 7.8 Billion realities — is the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.

It really is exactly as if Jesus Christ died for You and You Alone.


Because the Creator of the Universe sees you as His Child, perfect, beautiful, eternal, timeless, so beautiful that to save you, He endured the worst possible torture that could ever conceivably happen in human history.

God sees Jesus in us. In me. And in you.

Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

I don’t know about you but a lot of us (me included) are losing our way.

You could be in trouble.

You could be suicidal.

You could be an addict to something.

You may have lost hope.

Divorced — Abused — Hopeless— Addicted — No Future — Only a Self-Inflicted Death at all times present in your mind as an option to take in the worst-case scenario.

I have news for you.

Regardless of who you are, where you’re from, what you have done, the Father sees Jesus in YOU.

In evil, unholy, imperfect, worthless you. For —

In His Sight, you are perfect.

So whatever you’re going through —

No matter who’s died in your family —

Regardless of what drugs you’re addicted to —

Regardless of how many people you’ve given yourself to totally —

Just hoping and praying that this constant thirst for happiness within you would be found in this person you’re having a relationship with — even after so many bad experiences —

To the Father, you are seen as the Perfect Creation. The Ultimate Perfection. Jesus Christ. Who owns the Universe.

You’re into same-sex relationships? God loves you.

You’re a living example of a prostitute? God loves you.

You are a failure at everything you’ve done, ever? God loves you.

You’re a murderer? God loves you.

You’re into satan-worship? God loves you.

You’re a satanic coven High Priest? God loves you.

You wanna commit suicide after reading this? Don’t. Because God loves you.

He doesn’t care who you are, where you’re from, what you’ve done, all He does is love you.

Photo by Kaushik Panchal on Unsplash


I used to wonder.


Why me?

Believe it or not —

Regardless of what you’ve been told —

In spite of all you’ve done —

Despite even if your own parents reject you —

God sees you as the Most Beautiful, Adorable, Captivating, Wonderful, Perfect, Magnificent, Irresistible, Creation of His.

He is consumed forever by His Love for you.

He loves you in an Infinite love.

So many people hunger after sexual experiences.

Not realizing that sexual experiences are finite, a God experience is Infinite.

What do I mean by that?

God is Your Heart’s Deepest Desire. because you were created that way.

For God’s Pleasure, to Know Him, Love Him, and Serve Him.

And Nothing Else— will ever satisfy you.

You can try everything there is in the world. The world is finite. And broken.

And evil in many areas.

Only God’s love is, in the end, worth it.

Regardless of your past and present —

Once you realize the reality of eternal life —

Jesus Christ (fully God) takes over your past, present and future.

Photo by Tanja Cotoaga on Unsplash

Keep Hope Alive!

Hold on to hope.

Never let it go.

There is a tomorrow.

There is a future.

There is No Such Thing As Death.

There is just a transition to Eternal Life, by the Grace of your God — your Father.

“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?”

John 11:25–26

You are loved, you are precious, and you have a future.

Believe it.

For Jesus Christ —

You are the Only Person in the Entire World.

And yes, it’s the same way for everyone.

In each person’s reality, there exists that person, and there is God.

You Are Loved Beyond your Wildest Dreams.

Take a Bible and read The Gospel of John chapters 14–17.

And realize that one day, Jesus Christ will tell you about the Father in plain words.

He is Eternity.

He is Perfection.

He is Love Incarnate.

He is everything that you and I have dreamed of or wished for.


And — He — Is — Forever — Consumed — By — His — Infinite — Love — for — You.

He is God. He is free to stop his suffering anytime. He still remains on that Cross mystically out of a love for you — for Him, you are the Most Beautiful Creation of His that He Ever Created. So, I hope you understand who the Luckiest person is in the world — you.

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God bless.


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