Metanyx launches IoTeX W3bstream Nodes

Published in
4 min readNov 15, 2022

Metanyx have launched the first community swarm of W3bstream Nodes. As a technical partner of IoTeX we are proud to be supporting the next evolution of the IoTeX ecosystem that wil connect the Machine economy to Blockchains. We will be working with ecosystem partners to provide secure and reliable W3bstream deployments.

About W3bStream

W3bstream is a Layer 2 scaling solution connecting Machines to Blockchain, allowing Dapps to be served and processed with scalable architecture with multiple deployment models that fit both Public and Private Dapps. W3bstream leverages the token economy of public Blockchains such as IoTeX, Ethereum, BNB Chain and Polygon while providing a decentralised and scalable architecture.

W3bstream has a unique architecture where multiple independent swarms can connect to different Blockchains such as IoTeX and Ethereum without having the IoT device transacting directly with the Blockchain other then to initial register its DiD. W3bstream allows Machines to leverage the security of Blockchain technology without incurring high transaction costs , only once defined thresholds are met will W3bstream trigger event strategies that will interact with Blockchains significantly reducing costs while ensuring security.

Zero Knowledge Proofs are used to prove ownership of data that is linked with the DiD registered on the Blockchain, IoT devices can utilise Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) within Secure Chips of compatible devices to ensure chain of trust is established between the device and the Blockchain. Data on W3bstream Nodes can be validated by the DiD of the device that was registered on the blockchain (IoTeX, Ethereum, Polygon, BNB Chain)

Events Messages can pass data between IoT devices and Smart contracts deployed on Public chains, enabling execution of contracts to collect tokens when data stored on W3bstream Nodes is verified by Dapps.

W3bstream implements WASM for contracts providing fast execution of Dapps that the IoT devices will interact with directly. The WASM VM provided on W3bstream Nodes will allow Machines to update state within the W3bstream storage backends as well as trigger events that require communitication with Blockchains.

Projects in W3bstream Node architectures allows developers to write Applets (Dapps) to define business logic of connecting machine economy at scale while also leveraging public Blockchain security and token economy.

W3bstream Nodes can serve dedicated Dapps or host multiple projects while agreeing a consensus mechanism for different deployment architectures. W3bstream operatores will be able to choose different depoyment architectures, what Dapps they wish to serve and how they wish to configure and manage storage.

The W3bstream framework will also provide client side SDK on Android, IOS and Linux devices allowing developers to easily integrate a range of IoT devices / Machines to the W3bstream Node infrastructure.

W3bstream Roadmap

W3bstream Alpha already has core functionality with further updates coming in early 2023 to support mainstream L1s, Zero-knowledge Proof for dApps and sharding to support Data Availability Committees.

Metanyx W3bstream Swarm — Node as a Service

In 2023 Metanyx will provide Node as a Service infrastructure to our community and share rewards of the W3bstream ecosystem. User who has a Metanyx NFT and 1,000,000 METX on IoTeX will be entitled to a W3bstream node that will share in token rewards from Dapps that are deployed on our infrastructure. Further details of our W3bstream Swarm will be provided in 2023 as part of the Mainnet launch.

About IoTeX

Founded as an open-source platform in 2017, IoTeX is building the Internet of Trusted Things, an open ecosystem where all “things” — humans, machines, businesses, and DApps — can interact with trust and privacy. Backed by a global team of 30+ top research scientists and engineers, IoTeX combines blockchain, secure hardware, and confidential computing to enable next-gen IoT devices, networks, and economies. IoTeX will empower the future decentralized economy by “connecting the physical world, block by block”.

Learn more: Website | Twitter | Telegram | Medium | Reddit

About Metanyx

Metanyx is a leading UK Block Producer that is innovating Blockchain technology. We believe in connecting users and devices across Blockchain networks. We are an active voice in the ecosystem on real evidenced based usage and adoption. Metanyx are a trusted validator in a number of Proof of Stake networks.

Metanyx believes Blockchain technology can be applied to many markets such as Financial Services, Internet of Things, Governments, Digital Identity, Voting, Land Registries and Power grids.

Learn more: Website | Twitter | Telegram | Medium | Reddit

