A Moment of Relaxation

Kayla Dhankhar
Metaphorically Speaking
3 min readFeb 16, 2021


Photo by Ankush Minda on Unsplash

You are walking along a bright narrow path between tall grasses sprinkled with delicate wildflowers. It’s a warm day, and the sun is bright and blinding in the clear blue sky. The earth is soft beneath your feet, and as you approach the beach it begins to get sandy. You take off your shoes to feel the earth between your toes.

The sound of the sea washes over you, welcoming you to relax, and breathe deeper. You inhale the salty sea air and sigh with content. The smell of the sea is intoxicating. You have found the most perfect spot to sit and enjoy this gorgeous moment facing the water.

A light breeze is blowing over your shoulder and someone is playing some beautiful music far away so the tones just barely reach your ears. You can feel the surface you are sitting on beneath you and you settle deeper into the moment. You are gazing out peacefully at all the different shades of sparkling blue water.

You notice in front of you, a small pile of tags and a pen. And you feel like writing on one. You write down a feeling or a memory that you don’t need here in this present moment.

Then you notice in your hand the string of a helium balloon. The cord is wrapped about your hand. You look up to see a colorful balloon bobbing around gently in the breeze. You might even feel the tug of its string in your hand.



Kayla Dhankhar
Metaphorically Speaking

🌟 Empowering Empaths | Energy Healer | Life Coach | Light Language Artist🌟