The Starfish on the Beach

You can’t save them all


A man walked down to the beach to have a think about all of the problems going on in the world. He was feeling quite hopeless after reading the news about catastrophic events like wildfires, flooding with mudslides, and the ridiculous political issues.

When he reached the beach he saw a young boy walking along picking something up off the beach and throwing it into the water. In his emotional state, he assumed the boy was throwing trash into the ocean, another world problem that he could do nothing about.

After a few moments of standing there alone, he wasn’t feeling the peace he had come for so he headed toward the boy. He thought maybe giving him a piece of his mind would help him feel better.

As he got closer he realized the boy wasn’t picking up trash, but starfish. The beach was covered with starfish that must have been washed up in the tide. There were so many he felt overwhelmed yet again and he asked the boy, “what are you doing?”



Kayla Dhankhar
Metaphorically Speaking

🌟 Empowering Empaths | Energy Healer | Life Coach | Light Language Artist🌟