Is vegetarianism just an idea, a belief?

Vegetarianism is no belief, or just a man-made idea. It is a way living in the light of self-realization of the Absolute Truth; which some call God.

Only those species of animals eat meat which either do not have the ability to know or do not know the Truth. Animals eat other animals because they do not have the rational power of mind or the analyzing power of the heart and spirit to act otherwise. In short, they are beasts. Thus they act on instincts and reflexes, lacking a discriminating intellectual to act any other way. It is their nature.

Humans eat animals because they themselves are worse off than beasts.

The homo sapiens can analyze, discriminate, intellectualize, and understand the fact that they are causing immense pain to animals and birds by eating them; just to satiate their taste buds. Yet they choose to be unmerciful, dis-compassionate and beastly because humans are in fact nothing more than a bunch of murderous beasts.

The difference between a human and an animal or bird is that the latter are better lot of beings than the human beings. Ask the people who keep pets! The latter lot, beasts, kill for food. The former, humans, for enjoyment. The latter kill because they have no other choice. They kill for survival. Humans do so because they themselves are but unthinking, dumb animals. The human lot can survive without killing animals etc. for food. Yet they chose to go for the kill because they enjoy it, and because they choose to. They just cannot act otherwise.

It is the nature of humans to be who they are — inhumane, heartless beasts.

It is the belief of certain isms to eat all that walks, flies or crawls. They so do, are non-vegetarian, because these isms are of a lower metaphysical understanding. In other words, they have not grasped the true nature of what is or is not Divine.

Other religions that do not so do, kill or eat animals etc., is because it is a matter of faith for them. They believe it is bad karma, and a beastly way to live by eating dead meat.

There was a time in India when many a people did not partake food in the vicinity or company of meat eaters. It was abhorrent to them. Even now this vegetarian populace in India do not think highly of the non-vegetarian lot, no matter how high a position these meat eaters hold in the society. To them the non vegetarians are way down the food chain, not evolved beings. Are just apes.

So, why is a vegetarian lifestyle a matter of religious faith for those who follow it?

It is not a belief but a religious practice for them. A belief can be overcome, overlooked or even overstepped. For example, a cat crossing your path may be a considered a bad omen by superstitious people. Yet through a better understanding or through a better guidance such a belief can be laughed away in time.

Faith, on the other hand, cannot be done away with that easily.

So, yes, in a way not eating meat or being a vegetarian, is a matter of a deep faith. In the Absolute, that which is the Ultimate Reality at the End.

And what is the Absolute Truth or God that prompts people to be faithful vegetarians?

It is that whatsoever exists, existence itself, and everything that is manifest or latent in it, is but a never ending unity and oneness, in its cosmic essence.

In other words, all, whatsoever is or is not, is but One.

Hence, it is the self-realization and eventual finding and discovery of all free mystics of the higher kind that all is One Essence. All life is One Life. All is One.

This in effect means that even the tiniest of ants to the mightiest of the regents are made in the Image of One. The life-essence or spirit-composition of each and every one of us, from the smallest being to the highest lot — animals, humans or God — are made-up of One Cosmic Self. In fact, are One.

Thus harming another is but harming our own self. For all is One Self.

This is the fundamental reason why vegetarianism is not a simple belief but an essential component of an evolved faith and metaphysical way of living.

You cannot harm another being because you yourself, in quintessence, are that!

Vegetarianism is not a fad or a belief that can be given up just like that. It is not a blind belief. It is not a new found way to reduce weight, so to say.

It, non-killing and non-eating of dead meat, is a truthful way of a divine living derived from and dedicated to the understanding of the Whole, of the Absolute Cosmic Revelation, of knowing What Is, of living with God.

In other words, a dog is as much or as little as you, and as mighty, in essence, as is God!

Thus only the dead eat the dead. The un-dead, the truly living, must not continue living by taking away the life of another being. That is, if we are to be called a humane, human being.

May we all reach a better understanding of things that be.



Fakeer Ishavardas
Above All — MIND OVER MATTER! — Mysticism, Metaphysical Poetry and Much More.

Metaphysical Poet ♨ FREE MYSTIC ♨ ☝ Th.D, (Theology and Divinity, U.S.A.), Sahaj Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, PhD (Religious Studies and Metaphysics, U.S.A.) ☝