The Truth of Manifesting is in the Shake

Nathalie Bonilla
Metaphysical S’mores
6 min readJul 23, 2021

All things are in flux, and when you attract what you put out, the changes you make creates the world around you.

Photo by Matheus Bertelli via Pexels

It seems like ‘manifesting’ is everywhere. You can’t listen to a self-help podcast, TED talk, or YouTuber without one guest or another talking about how to attract the life you want and what it means to manifest events and happenings into your life. I’m making sure not to mention ‘things’ because it isn’t that item that you would be manifesting; it's the event of that thing occurring.

Manifesting works by creating the space and circumstances for you to achieve your goals — be it an item, money, emotion, etc.

Let’s say you want a new car; you manifest the environment for that to occur in. Want a new relationship? You’ll manifest the environment for that to occur in. We create the environment for things to happen in rather than those particular things. A car isn’t going to fall out of the sky for you, but having the money and the opportunity to get a great deal can happen over time if you focus on the end goal of buying a new car.

Now that we’ve broken down manifesting a little bit — because I think there is a lot of confusion around how it works that turns people off to the possibilities it holds— let's get into the shaking and movement in the manifesting equation.

What Do I Mean by Shaking?

The universe is in constant flux. Time isn’t about objects but about movement and events. The air, our homes, our cars, our bodies are all made of these vibrating particles. The shaking and movement of these particular molecules are what make them unique. Your liver is made up of the same vibrating molecules that make up your foot, but they are vibrating in a way that translates to ‘liver’ rather than ‘foot.’

Your brain and your thoughts have their own unique vibrational fingerprint as well. Negative thoughts have a lower vibrational frequency and can be perceived by the world around us. Ice freezes differently, and plants don’t grow as much when you are putting negativity into the environment. Alternatively, if you are putting out a frequency of love and powerful belief, that will also be revealed in the world around you.

Take, for instance, if you wake up in a bad mood, you’re going to move through the day seeing all of the bad. Alternatively, if you wake up in a better mood or with the mindset that you will have a good day (because that’s powerful enough to shift the perspective away from keeping a bad mood all day), then that is what you are going to see. Even if bad things happen, those won’t be what you see when looking through a more positivity-tinted lens.

What you see in your environment will solidify the beliefs that are in your mind and influence your perception of your present moment. However, it does work both ways. If something happens and you let it confirm that ‘AH-HA I knew it was going to be a bad day,’ then, of course, that will solidify that bad mood. This is where mindfulness comes in, but it's time to get to the good stuff.

You Are the Master of Your Reality — Literally

My right now is different from your right now. Currently, It’s 8:45 AM on a Friday, and I’m in central Texas somewhere in the hill country. You’re going to be reading this at a completely separate time and place than when this is being written, and these thoughts are swirling around in my head.

The thoughts that I’m writing about while having a certain meaning that I am giving them will also be different from how you interpret them. My experiences, mindsets, habits, etc., all dictate how I think of the message I’m trying to convey. When you read them, your experiences, narratives, habits, etc., will give them a different connotation. Maybe it won’t completely take away from the main message (and I deeply hope it won’t), but maybe it will impact you differently than I thought it would.

The way you see, think, feel, hear, taste, and all the other words to describe the complex process of perceiving this marvelous world is unique to you. And while we may be a collection of our moments, we are not defined by them. Tomorrow, I could choose to believe that I am a marathon runner and align my actions to such an identity and goal. I may not win a 5k race tomorrow, but that doesn’t mean I’m not a marathon runner. If I’ve never worked out a day in my life before that, that too doesn’t discredit that new belief that ‘I am a marathon runner’— well, unless I allow it too, but even then, I’m creating that disharmony in my own beliefs!

The way that we perceive our world and our future actions is unique to each of us. You could believe you’re a marathon runner with me, but maybe for you, that means you do triathlons, and you’re going to go for more long-distance running. My version of it could be breaking the 5k record. Neither one is more ‘right’.

You Really are Unique

So with this in mind, let’s go back to the thought of our ‘nows’ being different. Let’s say you really could read this at the exact time that I was writing it (just from sitting wherever you are, and the words appeared on the screen in front of you) and let’s say that magically you were my mind twin, so the way you read it is the same way that I am writing it. Hi twin.

Even with these similarities and ‘sameness,’ our time and reality would still be different! I’m pretty close to sea level. I’m currently pacing around in my kitchen since I like to write at the counter. The place that you read it and the speed of where you are in your environment computes to a different passage of time entirely. If you’re in the mountains, your time is passing by faster than mine. There’s less gravity there. If you are reading this on a train passing through the mountains, whoa nelly that's really playing fast and loose with the time that we are both considering in our nows. Our nows will literally be passing by at different tempos.

There’s where the wiggling and shaking come in. Everything is shaking, molecules that are far smaller than we will ever be able to see with the naked eye. This shaking and the speed at which the movement and chaos are occurring directly influence time and the environment. If we talk on the phone where the illusion of our shared ‘now’ is perhaps at its strongest, there are millisecond differences, and time is still behaving differently for us depending on what we are doing.

And. If you argue that ok well, maybe we could be standing next to each other, be twins, and then about our time, right? Ok, I hear you. But a minute to me could seem like an hour, and to you, it could pass quickly, even with our shared perceptions. If I’m thinking about all the negatives in my life, or I hate the show that is on, or I’m just generally inside my own head, that moment could be agonizingly slow. You could be enthralled in the movie or in a form of meditation where that moment could pass extremely quickly for you. You are the master of that moment with the way you choose to spend it and perceive it. This means you are the master of your reality always, at any given moment, no matter the circumstances. That moment is as unique as you are.

The Shaking, Our Perception, and Manifesting

Today, I’ve decided I’m going to be a marathon runner. Not tomorrow, but today because we can only create changes today, in this exact moment, whatever that moment is for you. With the time that I am currently given, regardless of how it passes depending on my physical environment, I can make decisions and choices that align with what I have decided.

Those decisions, thoughts, and choices have their own unique vibration and wiggle. This shaking, just like the special shaking that makes our liver our liver and our toes our toes, creates their own fingerprint on our world. And just like one or two vibrates of the phone won’t find its way off the table, but consistent movement in the right direction will cause it to fall, so too can the rest of your life fall into place in the direction you push it.

Books on the subject I’d recommend:
The Order of Time by Carlo Rovelli
Consciousness by Annaka Harris
The River of Consciousness by Oliver Sacks

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Nathalie Bonilla
Metaphysical S’mores

Metaphysic, Sci-Fi, and thriller writer. Writing things that get in your head. Forever curious. Probably drinking coffee and hoping it rains.