In The Beginning…

Mission Statement


The Metaphysics Institute of Psychology is dedicated to the study and application of ALL spiritual practices that help us experience more love, freedom and unity.

We believe in the value of all religions and encourage every human being from every culture, all backgrounds and all sexual preferences to seek spiritual evolution. Everyone is welcome — our “religion” is love and peace.

We encourage everyone to continue to practice whatever beliefs bring them joy and happiness. If you don’t already have and practice beliefs that you feel bring you joy and happiness daily, then through this collection we hope to help you find suitable spiritual expression that can help you reach your true potential.

By sharing stories, together we can create a stronger connection to the Infinite Wisdom that is already within and available to all of us. Connecting with Infinite Wisdom means connecting with that force that is beyond our bodily selves, beyond words, and which we can’t see but we can feel. It also means allowing that connection to inspire our actions and flow through all aspects of our lives and work.

This collection is about sharing the journey to reaching our true potential as loving, compassionate and empowered human beings. Let’s re-ignite each others’ purpose, passion and enthusiasm for life!

If you are interested, we also provide public workshops and seminars in Sydney, Australia. We work to inspire you in all aspects of life — your physical health, relationships, money, career, and your emotional, psychological and spiritual well-being. We also provide formal training to become a Metaphysics Institute of Psychology Accredited Practitioner and Meta-Maven.

