The Edge | 07/25/18

Ryan Williams


The Edge is a daily round up of the most important, or at least the most interesting, reads in technology policy.


Facebook’s Election Vow To Muzzle ‘Bad Actors, Misinformation’


Nations that rise ahead in the AI revolution will be those that not only harness the advantages of AI, but also have an effective plan for managing the societal disruption that it will bring.

Strategic Competition in an Era of Artificial Intelligence| This report from the Center for a New American Security argues that America needs a “Sputnik moment” in AI.

The EU is Fine

EU slaps $130 million fine on four electronics firms for fixing online prices


Facebook Friends China

SinoTech: Trump Administration Escalates Tech Trade Conflict | Want context for the recent escalation in the US-China trade conflict? This excellent analysis by David Stanton and Wenqing Zhao will help you develop understanding.


“Space weather, which is the result of interactions between the sun and the Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere, can affect the modern technology we rely upon daily. The electric grid, oil pipelines, passengers on commercial airlines, and satellites that provide telecommunications and GPS services can all be impacted by space weather. It is critical that we can better forecast and respond to space weather events.

Congress Takes on Space Weather

Automotive industry looking to step up its collaboration with cybersecurity researchers | This is good news. When industry understands the role of white hat hackers, we all benefit.


The expectation is that the genetic and phenotypic information 23andMe has accrued on the users of its testing service will facilitate more targeted R&D activities, from target selection through to the identification of clinical trial participants.

GlaxoSmithKline makes $300M investment in 23andMe, forms 50–50 R&D pact

It means for all the new inventions … you would need to go through the lengthy approval process of the European Union

In blow to new tech, European court decides CRISPR plants are GMOs

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Ryan Williams

Antidisciplinarian. Studies Global Policy at the LBJ School of Public Affairs.