The Edge | 08/20/18

Ryan Williams
2 min readAug 20, 2018


The Edge is a daily round up of the most important, or at least the most interesting, reads in technology policy.

The Cyber

Court Rules that Public Utility Smart Meter is a ‘Search’

​China aims to narrow cyberwarfare gap with US | New DOD report on military developments in China.


“We urgently need more transparency, a seat at the table, and a commitment to clear and open processes,” said the letter, which has been making the rounds on Google’s internal communication systems. “Google employees need to know what we’re building.”

1,400 Google employees are demanding transparency around the company’s return to China

After employee revolt, Google says it is “not close” to launching search in China

In January, when he addressed the nation on television, the bookshelves on either side of him contained both classic titles such as Das Kapital and a few new additions, including two books about artificial intelligence: Pedro Domingos’s The Master Algorithm and Brett King’s Augmented: Life in the Smart Lane.“No government has a more ambitious and far-­reaching plan to harness the power of data to change the way it governs than the Chinese government”

Who Needs Democracy when you have Data? | An exploration of China’s use of AI


Artificial Intelligence Still isn’t all that Smart | Noah Smith calls for moderation of expectations in Bloomberg Opinion.

In an age of mass school-shootings and increased student suicides, SMPs can play a vital role in preventing harm before it happens. Each of these companies has case studies where an intercepted message helped save lives. But the software also raises ethical concerns about the line between protecting students’ safety and protecting their privacy.

Schools are Using AIs to Track what Students Write on their Computers



Ryan Williams

Antidisciplinarian. Studies Global Policy at the LBJ School of Public Affairs.