Blockchain Game Market Visual Report: NFT Transactions (April Edition)

Hiroyuki Narita
Metaps Blockchain JP
5 min readApr 24, 2020

In order to easily view the latest blockchain game market data (secondary NFT trading) in one place, we’re continuing to regularly update our visual data report.

The data referenced is in accordance to the following conditions (referenced via miime, Etherscan and BigQuery):

- NFT transactions from OpenSea and in-game marketplaces
- Utilising ETH or WETH (excluding original tokens such as MANA)
- Transactions between the period of 06/01/18 to 03/31/20


  • Total Period (06/01/18–03/31/20)
    - Market Trend
  • Previous 3 Months (1/31/20–03/31/20)
    - Market Trend
    - Transaction Share by Title
    - Top 3 Title Transaction Volume / User Trend
    - Top 2 Items by Total Transaction Volume(March)
    - Market Share by Category
    - Trading Volume by User Type
    - Trading Volume by Trade Type

Total Period (06/01/18–03/31/20)

■ Market Trend(Monthly)

  • Trade Volume: The market as a whole lacked momentum across March as both ETH and JPY denominations were negative after the rise in February.
  • Transactions: Following February, March was another weak month, making it appear that the rise in the number of trades at the time of Gods Unchained’s release was temporary.
  • MAU: In contrast to the trend in trading volume, the number of active users was positive compared to last month. Additionally, the number of new users has continued to grow since January, indicating that the number of users trading within the secondary market is on the rise.

Previous 3 Months (01/01/20–03/31/20)

■ Market Trend(Weekly)

  • Trade Volume: In the last three months, we can see that trading volume, which had been flat since January, has been gradually decreasing.
  • Transactions: Up until January, Gods Unchained was the leading title by transactions, however from February the overall number of transactions saw a steep decline.
  • WAU: The number of active users varied from week to week, and in the last three months it has remained relatively flat.

■ Transaction Share by Title

At the time of last month’s report Gods Unchained accounted for around 30% of all trading, however it can be seen that titles such as My Crypto Heroes and Cryptovoxels are starting to lose market share.

■ Top 3 Title Transaction Volume / User Trend

As indicated in the data above, there has been a gradual decline in the number of transactions and users of Gods Unchained.

A new title that has been picking up traction is SOMNIUM SPACE (PARCEL), which saw a rapid increase of trading volume in February. Similar to Cryptovoxels, this title provides a buildable virtual world for its users and has been gaining a lot of attention within secondary markets. Although it is not yet one of the top titles in terms of overall transaction share, it is expected that this title will continue to grow in popularity.

■ Top 2 Items by Transaction Value

The top two items with the highest value in the last three months were both My Crypto Heroes characters, with prices as high as 45 ETH and 34.93 ETH respectively. The #1 asset in particular continues to be a sought after character, given that it was also placed at #2 in last month’s report.

Despite My Crypto Heroes having been released for over a year, it continues to prove its popularity through the high value of its assets.

■ Market Share by Category

Following last month’s report, TCG, Battle, and Craft continue to be the top 3 most popular categories for trading, with a large market share.

Within the top category of TCG it can be seen that Cryptospells, which was ranked 3rd at the time of last month’s report, has seen a steady growth in transaction volume resulting in it moving to 2nd place this month.

In a similar fashion, the aforementioned new title PARCEL saw an increase in trading volume which moved it from 3rd to 2nd place within the Craft category.

Apart from the top titles of each category, more minor titles have also seen a steady increase in transaction volume and it will interesting to see if any will show an unexpected uptick in the near future.

■ Trading Volume by User Type

As with last month’s report, even at this point in time there is still no significant difference between buyer and seller user types.

Again, the share of the top 10 users by transaction volume for each type is not so large and indicates that the market is continuing to be supported proportionally by both buyers and sellers.

■ Trading Volume by Trade Type

NFT trading as a whole is continuing the trend of buying and selling items on public marketplaces.

However, the percentage of private sales has been gradually increasing since February and suggests that some change in trading type could be occuring. A reason for this may be the increase in Japanese titles that have adopted a gateway allowing for private sales trading. Private sales still hold a lower percentage within the market, however we will continue to explore the factors behind this possible change as we follow future trends.

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