AMA with Legendary Eric (Q&As)

Published in
10 min readSep 8, 2022

Dear Resetters,

The first ever AMA of Eric Cryptoman was held in his telegram on 01, Sep 2022 with MetaReset founders Drifter and ProfSD. To give a brief introduction about Eric, he is one of the legendary crypto influencers in space with over 55,000 followers in Twitter and 17,500 organic followers in telegram. He is one of very few to bring ray of hope even in bear market to stay positive and pumped.

We received many interesting questions. Here is the recap of AMA for you:

Eric: ready guys? @professSD @driftersince89

Drifter: We are here @EricCryptoman thanks for hosting us

Eric: awesome, @professSD here as well? shall i get the ball rolling?

Prof: Hi Eric. I am here as well. Happy to be here ❤️

Eric: cool lets go, gonna start out by saying i respect the hustle massively in this bear market, whilst most devs/teams are pumping out projects purely for money it’s cool that you have a super long-term vision with this.

Drifter: Thanks Eric. Our singular goal is to build a product that is being massively used. Something that is possible only by the blockchain but for everyone.


Eric: For my subs that don’t know about $RESET, what is MetaReset? Can you briefly explain to my community members here?

Prof: MetaReset is a 100% community driven, socially interactive, web3 powered Metaverse. This Metaverse (here we call it MetaWorld) will act as an alternate world for people who seek an alternate life, where people can be anyone they want. For example: A middle aged guy/girl who wants to relive their teenage years could do that or a man would like to be a woman by nature- they can live accordingly and share emotions as such.

MetaReset and its future ecosystem applications will have $Reset as its currency and reflective index. Similar to real world scenarios, this world will have taxes to enable governance and development activities. 10% tax is levied on all transactions. 5% of which goes to Top 100 Community Members who will act as the steering board (DAO Governance) with MetaWorld maturity. The other 5% will be used for development.

Here is our website:


Eric: You mentioned that 5% of the tax goes to the Top 100 community members. Can you expand more on that? How are these members selected? Why do you think this is unique and contributes to the growth of the project in the long term?

Drifter: Top 100 Community members are those who add constant value to the growth of the project. These are dynamic and the choice of select members vary depending on which stage MetaReset is at. Example, when MetaReset matures to a market cap of 1 Billion dollars with an average daily volume of $100 Million, this 5% equates to $5 Million everyday which means its about $150 Million per month. This will enable us to reward $1.5 Million per month to each of these top 100 community members.

This will unlock a gigantic opportunity to attract potential partners and industry leaders who can lead this to mainstream adoption. For example: A channel partner like PWC or DNVGL, industry leader like Jim Brayer could help MetaReset to penetrate into a wide range of enterprises.

Eric: lol i like the confidence “when” not “if”, nothing wrong with high goals. Yeah that’s a good idea & makes people want to be active in the ecosystem instead of just buying & holding tokens.

Prof: yes Eric. That’s with ‘MetaWorld maturity’ where we would have 100+ vendors in Metastore by then :) We are confident that $RESET will be comfortably a top Metaverse token by then.

Eric: zero doubts the word “MetaVerse” will slowly transition from a meme/catchy word until it’s a real thing that engulfs the world as we know it, whether people like it or not that’s where things are heading*

Prof: Absolutely Eric :) (in response to *)


Eric: We know there is a NFT launch coming up soon. What is it all about? How is it different from other NFTs which in general aren’t doing well in this market

Prof: Before building the immersive world, we want to build the core components of it. Each of these components will be NFTs starting with MetaPeople which is the identity component. It will be followed by MetaAssets where lands, houses, cars etc.. will be issued. But MetaPeople is the identity component which holds all the assets together.

Our MetaPeople NFTs will be launched by the end of September. Unlike other NFTs, MetaPeople NFTs will have the following:

First ever on-chain customizable NFTs

Live2Earn: Universal Basic Income (UBI)

Utility: Access to the MetaWorld

To know more about MetaPeople, please have a look at

Eric: Basically like a massive SIMs haha, I assume you aren’t in a rush to mint them out at all, and it will be a long process as the project matures


Eric: What is On-Chain customization and why do we need it for MetaPeople?

Drifter: Yeah our initial MetaPeople collection will only have 50K NFT characters. These are called the “Adam & Eve” collection. Only with these NFTs one can access the MetaWorld and all other products in this ecosystem.

But one of the first application is having on-chain dating and marriages. These MetaPeople characters can marry and product offsprings which are children MetaPeople characters. These characters once created can be sold to others after 18 days. So for people who want to enter this world after the 50K characters being sold out, will have to buy from this OG NFT holders.

Regarding On-Chain customization,

MetaPeople NFTs are not art or collectibles. These are alternate life identity characters. So kind of like in real life, these characters could be customized. For example, a character might have a beard today and may go for a clean shaved look some other day.

So the base characteristics of these NFTs like eye shape, skin tone, etc.. which cannot be changed in real life, cannot be customized. But the changeable characteristics like beard, hair color etc.. can be customized with MetaPeople NFTs. Users can also buy accessories from our MetaStore like glasses, outfits etc.. and apply them on top of their characters.

These changes are done on a customization layer on the blockchain that will be associated with the base NFT token. So the changes are still decentralized and on-chain.


Eric: lol that’s crazy…. so there will be more than 50,000 in the world but there will only ever be 50,000 OGs. so like the real world, MetaWorld has unlimited capacity? Will there be a resale market for the OG collection or will they just be used in the MetaVerse?

Drifter: Yes they have unlimited capacity. But MetaReset will only sell these 50K OG characters. From there all future characters will be created and sold by these OGs only.

- These can be sold through MetaStore or NFT marketplaces like Opensea

  • Yes these OG character NFTs are also can be resold on NFT marketplaces. But they can be used only inside MetaWorld


Eric: Can you explain a bit more in detail about MetaStore? Can anyone sell their content in MetaStore?

Prof: MetaStore (in development) will be our internal content marketplace for MetaWorld. With the initial launch, we will be unveiling our fashion brand with outfits and accessories which can be used on MetaPeople characters. But in the future content creators will be able to create their own content which are compatible with MetaReset’s ecosystem and can sell them on MetaStore.

MetaStore acts as the singular marketplace for everything to buy and sell in the MetaWorld. One can also create their own storefront inside this MetaStore and sell their digital assets. For example: An architect can design custom homes and sell them here or an automobile designer can design and launch their own automobile brand in this world through MetaStore.


Eric: Kinda reminds me of fashionscape on runescape. every item in the metaworld counts as an ERC721? which blockchain will this run on?

Prof: yes Eric. Every item counts as ERC 721 :) It will run on Ethereum initially.

We are also researching at layer 0 protocols like Marlin Pond protocol to bring in hybrid chains in future to have $RESET on multiple chains to give MetaPeople with variety of choices like BNB, VET, SOL, etc with no liquidity issues. We will announce it in coming months.


Eric: UBI definitely will be a great selling point for MetaPeople. Is there a criteria for receiving the UBI or all MetaPeople NFT holders will receive them by default?

Drifter: Live2Earn- Every MetaPeople NFT character will be receiving their Universal Basic Income (UBI) in $Reset tokens. Universal Basic Income helps people to live in our MetaWorld. This stimulates activities to happen in the MetaWorld similar to how stimulus checks help the economy. This will help people to start building their life in this alternate world. MetaReset’s goal is to build a world with infinite possibilities and a UBI will help unlock that infinite potential.


Eric: Can you also explain how the UBI works, because that could be huge if it works correctly, especially in some of the lower wage countries ? Will you get more UBI if you are active etc?

Prof: There is already a “Social Credit System” in place in some parts of the world. People’s behavior is evaluated based on their activities, which generates a social credit score and they are rewarded based on that.

MetaReset stands for Equality as its core guiding principle. In our Live2Earn system, people will be rewarded for being good. For treating other people with equality and fairness. Live2Earn points are assigned to each of these MetaPeople characters based on their activities in the MetaWorld. These points range from 0–100. We will incorporate game theory frameworks which will help to determine how users will be able to achieve these points and unlock their UBI. A 100 points means they will receive 100% of their monthly UBI.

Also, apart from the equality and being good angle, Live2Earn points are also assigned based on the character’s engagement and activities that happen in the MetaWorld. For example: 1 point / per day for just signing in with your MetaPeople character into the MetaWorld everyday. This promotes user engagement and growth.

A detailed whitepaper just dedicated to Live2Earn UBI will be released soon.

Eric: Sounds like you’ve thought of everything in detail.

Prof: Thank you Eric. We came a longway with extensive feasibility research.


Eric: Is MetaWorld a version of Metaverse? How will it be different from all the other Metaverses that’s being built? I know there are many definitions of the word.

Drifter: “Metaverse” is trending. Technical possibilities of virtual reality or mixed reality are still in nascent stages. But eventually down the line we all will have multiple worlds to access. We are not restricted to this single life in which we live. We could have multiple identities living in multiple worlds.

But one key thing is an interoperable value system. If a person can go to one world, earn money and be able to transport that to another world or even to the real world that will unlock a massive creative lifestyle for everyone. That’s where Web3, blockchain and cryptocurrency helps. MetaReset’s native token $Reset could be liquidated in real life. So everything we build and create in the MetaWorld will have a real life value.

More importantly, unlike other Metaverse projects, MetaReset will not create the immersive world as its first product. Because technological advancement in this space is not yet ready. Instead MetaReset will launch the MetaWorld in the 2D format first.


Eric: You want to start with a 2D world? Can you say why you made that decision? Will there be a difference between the 2D and the 3D immersive world?

Drifter: We have a lot of products in the blockchain space. But apart from fintech products like exchanges and wallets there is still a vacuum for a killer app that the world cannot live without.

Metaverse already has its own difficulties in accessibility and user experience. One cannot keep wearing VR headsets all the time. Metaverse with Web3 is more challenging with a VR headset + wallets.

We want to appeal to the masses. We want to build a product which is used by many everyday. So a 2D world which is accessible from a browser through any device from anywhere will help onboard a wide range of users and not just gamers and crypto enthusiasts.

The backend on which all these are built on are still blockchain. The front end will be a web app and mobile app in which users are already familiar with. This will help grow our user base and promote engagement. Once we reach a stage of maturity we will also introduce the 3D immersive world as a choice. People can still use the 2D world for instant access and can also access the 3D for more immersive experiences. It’s just two different front end experiences with the same backend.


Eric: damn mobile app as well? 100% agree accessibility is everything, especially in crypto where we’ve made it so difficult to get started.

i’ll wrap up with this then take some questions from people. This has been great. What should be expected next? How can we get on this ride?

Prof: yes Eric. We will have mobile app as well :)

$Reset is the native token of our ecosystem. You can get them at

Our MetaPeople NFTs are launching by the end of September. Stay tuned in this space to know more about them.

Please join our channels to stay on top of our updates




Please watch out for more contests coming up next week. Also anyone who adds more value to the project will be added to our Top 100 Community Members. So please join us.

Thank you all. Much love..!!

