The Open Public AMA- 01

Published in
13 min readJul 8, 2022

Dear Restters,

The first public AMA of MetaReset was held today at 10:00 PST in MetaReset Telegram Channel, for our incredible community members. We received many interesting questions from our members to answer. We as MetaReset team, initially we planned to reward top 3 interesting questions with 75,000 $RESET tokens, but we finally decided to reward 4 important Questions. The Winners are: CS God, JK, Jlaudybell & Barton Hill.

Here is the recap of AMA for you:


Amb, [2022–07–07 12:59 PM]:

I think everyone know that June was celebrated as pride month in the whitepaper, i saw there will be no discrimination of race and gender. I couldn’t find any deep details about. There was no mention about LGBTQ communities. And if you are planning to include them too- how you are going to get rid of the discrimination?

like during a new governance proposal obviously communities like this will only have a few voice. They can be easily beaten by the majority.

Drifter, [2022–07–07 1:06 PM]:

- Similar to the real world, there are certain specifications that need to be built from the protocol level. Example race, color, gender etc. But there will be another layer of freedom like gender fluidity, sexual orientation etc.. which the user will have full freedom to select and declare their identity the way they want.

- Example: In MetaPeople, there will be a way to do On-Chain Marriage and raise kids. These marriages don’t need to be of the opposite genders. Its up to the user to marry whoever they decide to.

  • We want to take this approach because we want to mimic real-world functionalities and still preserve equality.


AJ, [2022–07–07 1:04 PM]

Will MetaReset have the same max supply, or does the team create more coins in the future?

ProfSD 𓍶, [2022–07–07 1:09 PM]

Hi AJ,

The Max supply is 1 Billion tokens & will remain same forever with ERC chain. MetaWorld has infinite scope, and we are already documenting to introduce multi chains into MetaWorld as it matures, though the chances of launching new tokens for all chains is unlikely, we are planning for inter blockchain swaps, by positioning all these chains on a Zero layer — but if at all we have to create new tokens on all respective chains (which is very unlikely)- it will be a 100% fair launch.


nidha khan, [2022–07–07 1:05 PM]

One of the biggest aspect for success of the project is community support. And the vast majority of large projects have programs that interact with their users. My Questions is, Do you have a specific plan to engage and expand your community and improve the user experience?

ProfSD 𓍶, [2022–07–07 1:17 PM]

Hi Nidha,

Currently, our 40% focus is on Development & Research, 40% on Marketing through right channel partners, dozens of AMAs, Podcasts, Publications, influencers talk, contest & many more. And 20% on Community Growth. Here Marketing and Community Development is interconnected. Various marketing activities does keep community engaging and expanding. We started with very small numbers. But now, we have 300+ core community members.

We have Top 100 Community members rewards too, which was discussed several times before. Please read our Pinned Messages and community manifesto (linked below)to know more about.

Now you might ask why we rated it just 20% even if we are doing so much here for Community? Though the community is the most important, Dev and marketing is as vital to scale the community growth and its engagement. Currently, the 20% community focus is a right balance comparing to the Dev and marketing work activities we are planning and executing.

We will gradually increase Community Dev. to 100% through our marketing efforts. We will synergistically balance this ratio, with the maturity of MetaWorld, the ratio will be seen-

100% Community Driven, through steering committee of Top 100 community members, where dev & marketing comes under steering committee. It’s a first ever approach in Cryptospace. Stay tuned to see the execution of such unique and meaningful strategy to make the whole ecosystem govern by community.!

nidha khan, [2022–07–07 1:49 PM]

[In reply to ProfSD 𓍶]

Very informative and hard-working team


$```T H A K U R``` $ $, [2022–07–07 1:06 PM]

Right now, Reset network is available in Ethereum Blockchain, So my question is Are you interested in integration with BinanceSmartChain, Polygon and other Blockchain as you know these are in trend and very much secure and gas fees is also very less?

ProfSD 𓍶, [2022–07–07 1:21 PM]

yes, my friend. As I answered to the previous question- ERC is the most widely adopted chain. But gas fee gets higher as network/ demand increase. In our initial days, that might not impact us with creation of MetaPeople or on activities behind them.

With Metaworld launch, we are going to become Multi Chain Metaverse, to bring in most of reputable blockchain communities, not just to tackle the gas fee, but also bring all communities to join MetaResey. The top 3 considerations apart from ERC are BNB, VET & Cosmos.

ERC as the first phase, followed by rest with MetaWorld creation & maturity.

$```T H A K U R``` $ $, [2022–07–07 1:33 PM]

Now Reset is on my top of the table to buy it😍


Jennifer, [2022–07–07 1:06 PM]

What are your marketing strategies and how do you plan on implementing global adoption? How do you intend on getting more users, community, and investments from all parts of the world including non-English speakers and communities?

Drifter, [2022–07–07 1:10 PM]

- We just recently hired Michael as head of marketing to help us formulate the plan. But we are not hyper focused on marketing to sell our tokens. We need user adoption.

- One part of the marketing will be focused on crypto users to start using our platform. This will help with the early adoption.

- The other part will be focusing on web2 users. We will try to appeal them and bring them into web3. Only when we it is appealing to web2 users, the platform will gain traction.

- Our website and whitepaper are already being translated by our community member @Crypto_1OO. We will get these translated to most available regions and languages.

Jennifer, [2022–07–07 1:42 PM]

[In reply to Drifter]

Nice explanation 🎉


Dorgham, [2022–07–07 1:06 PM]

I know metaverse takes years. But I would like to know the team timelines for every milestone?

Drifter, [2022–07–07 1:13 PM]

Yes, you are practically correct. Metaverse takes years. That’s why we are building and releasing in incremental steps. Even before the Metaverse world comes alive, all the components and functionalities that are part of the metaverse will already be available and will be in-use in a 2D format. That’s where MetaReset’s Portal comes. Please have a look at the article to know more Our website has a timeline specified. But more detailed timeline focused on Metaverse release will be announced soon.

Cs God, [2022–07–07 1:07 PM] & Drifter, [2022–07–07 1:28 PM] reply to CS God

Hello i have a couple of questions I wanna ask the team hope it’s not too long😋


We know there has been a shift in the web2 culture recently in crypto to the web3 culture so how will Metareset since it’s aim is to be a meta verse and web3 giant brings its adoption towards web 3 be like?

Yes, that is what we are focusing on. Ofcourse we need Web3 users. They are our early adopters, they are the one that will help us to build momentum. But to carry the momentum into a mainstream product we need users from Web2 to onboard to our platform with ease. “Portal” will help us partially in this. Web3 users buy NFTs as investment. But with Portal these NFTs will have a real utility. Portal will attract web2 users and they will get NFTs since that’s the only way to access. Extensive user research are on-going and will be done to attract web2 users. It will be ground breaking for sure.


Will Metareset partner with the likes of Facebook?

As appealing it may sound “Partnering with Facebook”, MetaReset has some core principles which will not be compromised. Any partnership that will help MetaReset with user adoption without compromising on core principles will be definitely pursued. Definitely the goal is to grow MetaReset to a place where it is appealing for companies like Facebook to take interest.

Q9: (Most Interesting Question)

Suppose the Metaverse agenda never stands, what happens to Metareset as a company then? Does it get dissolved?

The agenda just took a new name as “Metaverse” in the recent days. But it has been always there and will be there. The internet is supposed to be equal and without discrimination. Virtual world has been there to mimic real world lifestyle but now with crypto real world becomes more realistic now. So I would say MetaReset as a platform has infinite possibilities whether the Metaverse trend lives or not. Or maybe we could drive that trend.


Is Metareset a registered ® company? And if yes can you share details with us please?

MetaReset is a part of a federally registered corporation. More information about these will definitely be shared soon. We have strong reasons to keep this anonymous at the moment. We can’t wait for the day to announce it publicly. Thanks for trusting us until then.


Metareset never had funds from VC’s, so apart from tokenomics how will reset funds such a huge company Because even projects who had VC funds run out of funds So what mechanism has reset put in place so that the project never runs out of funds

We deliberately didn’t go for VC funds because we want this to be 100% community driven. We didn’t do ICO/IEO for the same reason. MetaReset will act like a government which manages the virtual world. So like how a government functions, MetaReset will solely rely on Development Tax Funds for building the world. Imagine MetaReset being a 1Billion marketcap project. The taxes are more than enough to power a huge team and its operations. Only thing we ask from the community is not to question the liquidation of Development Fund Taxes as they are our only source of investment.

Cs God, [2022–07–07 1:32 PM]

[In reply to Drifter]

Your answers are on point sir. Thank you and noted ☺️


Amb, [2022–07–07 1:08 PM]

My question includes about the governance too. How minority is going to participate in governance competing with majority

Drifter, [2022–07–07 1:37 PM]

- One of our limitations is that we as founders are not experts in the field of formulation policies related to equality. We are already in talks with a potential crypto OG who has more than a decade of research in this arena under his belt. Someone like him will help us design these policies. Also, we will seek help with university research doctorates who are also interested in testing out their thesis.

- It will be case by case basis. For example. if Ethnicity A dominated 90% of the world and Ethnicity B has only 10%, then a DAO with voting mechanism is flawed because Ethnicity B has no voice at all. In that case it could be this way, Ethnicity A will have a max cap of 50% of the votes and Ethnicity B no matter how small it is will have equally 50% of the voting power.

Amb, [2022–07–07 1:48 PM]

[In reply to Drifter]

Thats great

Q13: (Most Interesting Question)

Jk, [2022–07–07 1:17 PM]

Since the future is drifting towards AI, does metareset planning on using some AI concepts and if so what areas can they be used in??

ProfSD 𓍶, [2022–07–07 1:30 PM]

AI is most needed for MetaReset upon MetaWorld maturity, One of the major use case of AI for MetaReset is monitoring Live2Earn activities. The activities of Live2Earn will be completely controlled through AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) inputs, responsible MetaPeople and bad apples are recorded , followed by active machine learning and decision making by AI bots to incentive the MetaPeople and continually improve the whole process.

We will be releasing a WhitePaper close to MetaWorld launch, to describe/ detail our Research, Dev & Continual improvements of AI architecture for MetaReset.

Jk, [2022–07–07 1:31 PM]

[In reply to ProfSD 𓍶]

Thank you very much


$```T H A K U R``` $ $, [2022–07–07 1:27 PM]

Smart contracts are vulnerable to bugs, and even recently three big new DeFi projects were victims of this, costing users funds. How efficient and secured is your smart contract, and did you ever audit it via any external party?

Drifter, [2022–07–07 1:32 PM]

The token smart contract has been tested extensively and even the test results have been shared with the community. But yes, for all the smart contracts which we are building for the upcoming features will be audited and tested extensively.

$```T H A K U R``` $ $, [2022–07–07 1:32 PM]

[In reply to Drifter]


Q15: (Most Interesting Question)

JLaudybell 🌹 JYLO 🌹, [2022–07–07 1:28 PM]

Talking about the core components of Metareset, There are metapeople, MetaFamily, MetaAssets, MetaWorld and MetaStore, . , so Can you explain in detail what users expect when selecting and living life on metareset ? How do they interact with each other and how does this help build a sustainable economy in Metareset?

ProfSD 𓍶, [2022–07–07 1:43 PM]

Users can expect- first ever Social Interactive Metaverse, where the real users behind MetaPeople can share their real emotions with no insecurities. It is Unlike: a) Facebook or Twitter, b) sci-fi metaverse gaming

Initially, it is going to be Web2 portal to drive Web2 users (for mass adoption)- you can use it via mobile app as well web browser- it is going to be very ease to use. Anyone can browse for active MetaPeople and message them. May be a neighbor or from different cities- if they like each other- they can start a business or date or become friends or something as they wish. All these happens through interactive portal dashboards, followed by a 3D MetaWorld where users knew what’s MetaWorld is. It’s nothing but a new version of MetaWorld with similar activities but with different interface.

Coming to Economy- One should understand, we aim to build MetaReset core components to bring a mimic of real world for better alternative life. Here, most activities involve transactions, and every transaction has tax to it like in real life. The taxes are one of the revenue models of reset (There are various other revenue streams through Metastore, MetaAssets, custom builds, etc), circulated for better governance and incentives.

JLaudybell 🌹 JYLO 🌹, [2022–07–07 1:51 PM]

[In reply to ProfSD 𓍶]

awesome, this is really interesting😊


Barton Hill, [2022–07–07 1:30 PM]

Some great questions! Mine is a bit basic but just wondering the advantage of being built on a layer 0? Thanks

Drifter, [2022–07–07 1:39 PM]

We don’t want to limit MetaReset to only Ethereum ecosystem and its users. Layer 0 will help multiple ecosystems like Binance, Polygon, etc… Users of all ecosystems could live and interact in a common world.


Peteersoon🔺, [2022–07–07 1:31 PM]

Can we also farm and raise livestock in the MetaReset world? and raise Animals like in real life?

Drifter, [2022–07–07 1:40 PM]

Yes, although these are way down in timeline, but yes as the world keeps expanding, we will aim at bringing in more real-world components like farms and pets into the world as user demands.


Peteersoon🔺, [2022–07–07 1:37 PM]

say on your website, in Metastore , MetaReset will partner with big brands, Can you explain How you Plan to attract them to MetaReset? and What Are Their Benefits When Their Trademarks Are Available on MetaStore?

Drifter, [2022–07–07 1:44 PM]

- User adoption is the key here. If we have a considerable number of users in our platform, brands are always interested in it. In web2 all they can do is place and advertisement. But here they can actually sell their goods within the world.

- But I am personally more curious about the brands that will emerge solely dedicated for MetaReset. Imagine a 3D artist could build a car company and release his design of cars in Metaworld. The brand will grow if users like them. May be one day we can witness a brand that is originiated from the MetaWorld, entering into the real world too.

Peteersoon🔺, [2022–07–07 1:41 PM]



SNOOP, [2022–07–07 2:00 PM]

I’ve been here for a while now and I’ve always wanted to ask this question, do you have a fixed date for top 100 community distribution or it’s just a random day?

ProfSD 𓍶, [2022–07–07 2:11 PM]

Hi Snoop,

Great Question and we want to bring it to all of you later tomorrow. Firstly, the top 100 community members are most important, much more than founders and the team to us.

Reason- They will be the steering committee of complete MetaReset project with their whole set of governance as they wish to. It’s like a country’ government with only 100 ministers who steer the country’ policies to make life better & these 100 ministers are experts from various disciplines.

So, such top 100 committee members will initially be selected carefully by us. They are being rewarded with 5% of Transaction. This will be huge rewards for their contribution as daily volume increase.

So now to answer your Question- we initially started rewards to be biweekly. But as we are manually airdropping and there is a fee associated to do it biweekly. We will be doing it on 14th of every month. It was 14th of last month we distributed, and it will be on same date this month and forever.

We will be also adding long-term contributing members to our Tax Slots in Smart contracts (which is already ready). They will receive rewards every month automatically.

Q20: (Most Interesting Question)

Barton Hill, [2022–07–07 2:03 PM]

So I make LoFi music. Let’s say I create some tracks and I don’t want to go down the usual Spotify playlist route or perhaps I want to sell a track as an nft, could I do that in the metaverse? Kind of like a virtual record store, I guess! Sorry about emoji I pressed a wrong button 😂

Drifter, [2022–07–07 2:05 PM]

We were laughing at the emoji.

That sounds interesting. We didn’t think about it. But yeah man, having a record store in the world is awesome. You could probably own the store and let other people to sell their music. I am thinking — digging my brain to see if there is a way to bring this at an early stage into Portal too. You gave us a lot to think about. Cheers !!

Barton Hill, [2022–07–07 2:10 PM]

[In reply to Drifter]

Gives so much confidence 💪🏼.🔥yes I’d love to run a record store and sell others and my own music in MetaReset

