Dobby ( Human — Water ) Overview of heroes for the game Metarrior

Kindichenko Vitalii
Published in
3 min readApr 10, 2023

Mighty Shield LVL 1–10 (1 skill)
Absorb 52%-80% of incoming damage for 1 random ally hero. (Maximum use per turn = 3) (Prioritizes ally closest to this hero)
If Gump is on the same team, Dobby will receive +10% HP and +10% DEF

Shield Bash NON NFT (2 skill)
Attacks 1 enemy for 125% (STR) physical damage and has 50% chance of causing stun to enemy for 1 turn. (with priority on enemy being targeted by player)

Vicious Slash LVL 1–10 (3 skill)
Attacks 1 enemy for 150%-165% (STR) physical damage and stuns enemy for 1 turn. (with priority on enemy being targeted by player)

Undaunted Charge LVL 1–10 (Ultimate skill)
Attacks 3 enemies for 125%-140% (STR) physical damage and causes confusion for 1 turn. (with priority on enemy being targeted by player)

Stunned — Affected character cannot activate ultimate, cannot activate passive action, can activate passive buff, cannot attack. Effect cannot stack.”

Confused — Affected character will either hit ally’s side or enemy’s side when activating attack or ultimate, cannot activate passive action, can activate passive buff, Effect cannot stack.”

Hero Benefits:
1. 100% chance to confuse 3 enemies
2. 50%-100% Stuns the enemy on hit.
3. Can absorb up to 80% of incoming damage from a single ally.
4. In a team with Gump, gains +10% HP + 10% Defense.

Hero’s Flaws
1. Has a small stock of health and attack, relative to other tanks.
2. Is quite rare and expensive NFT, due to the huge demand.

Hero skill features:
Vicious Slash
better then Shield Bash because it gives 100% chance to stun and have more damage.

This hero has 3 fixed skills and 1 random bonus skill.

When buying a hero, make sure that the Shield Bash skill is replaced with a random bonus skill. (HP,STR,APEN…)

Mighty Shield allows you to absorb a different amount of HP depending on the level. This makes it possible to choose a strategy: 1. Minimum number of absorb HP, 2. Maximum number of absorb HP. in 1 case we make Dobby more tenacious, in 2 case allies.

You can read official article:
here and here

Read about other heroes => here

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