Gollor ( Elf — Forest ) Overview of heroes for the game Metarrior

Kindichenko Vitalii
Published in
2 min readApr 13, 2023

Resurrection LVL 1–10 (1 skill)
Every battle, when an ally faints (0HP), Gollor is able to resurrect that ally to (20+0.001*ARM)% (max ~40-50%)HP (limit 1 time per ally). Gollor is unable to resurrect himself. If Gollor is fainted, this skill cannot be activated. (Max use per battle = 2)

Ether Strike LVL 1–10 (2 skill)
Attacks 3–5 random enemies for ~190%-~215% (INT) magical damage and heals 2 allies with lowest HP for 10% of max HP.

Nature’s Elixir NON NFT (3 skill)
Heals 2 allies with lowest HP for 10% of max HP (ally)

Life Bloom LVL 1–10 (Ultimate skill)
Heals all allies for 11–20% of max HP (ally) and cleanse all status effects from his allies.

Hero Benefits:
1. Can resurrection allies (The only healer who can do this.)
2. Can attack and heal
3. Ultimate Heal all allies and cleans them (He’s better then Jane)

Hero’s Flaws
1. Rare, valuable and therefore very expensive.
2. Attacks 3–5 random enemies — can hit enemy which have Counter attack

This hero has 3 fixed skills and 1 random bonus skill.

When buying a hero, choose a random bonus skill (HP, MR, MPEN)

You can read official article:
here and here

Read about other heroes => here

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