Guide №3 (only my opinion)

Kindichenko Vitalii
Published in
3 min readMay 27, 2023
How to use 49 skill point
Heal (Heal 25% max HP target ally)

A very useful skill when there is no healer in your team.
If your team has a healer, you can replace it on a purify.

Purify (Cleanse)

Heal => Purify

Attack Frenzy (+60% Attack for hero)

The benefit of +60% damage — does not need to be described.

Divine Remedy (Heal 30% max HP for 2 allies with low HP)

If your team is strong and does not need additional healing, you can replace the healing with a stun.

Divine Fury (Stun+magical damage 250% ATK)

Divine Remedy => Divine Fury

Shround of Redemption 40% (Enemy miss)

Essential skill against heroes that deal very high damage

Ice Manipulation (+5 blocks)

If you have Gump / Dobby in your team — 100% need take Ice Manipulation
If your team has a different element, choose the appropriate manipulator.

Electricity Manipulation (+5 blocks)

Electricity management (+5 blocks)
Needed in order to charge the Sage Skill — in this build it is Heal 2 allies for 30% max. HP.
(when your primary color is not available — you can always use this)

Once you have selected all your skills, you need to add them before starting the fight.

You can read about build #1=> here
You can read about build #2 => here

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