Mason ( Guardian — Ground ) Overview of heroes for the game Metarrior

Kindichenko Vitalii
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2023

Terra’ Aegi LVL 1–10 (1 skill)
Mason can absorb up to ~52%-75% of incoming damage for a single random ally warrior for 3-4(random) turns max.

Searing Fissure LVL 1–10 (2 skill)
This ability enables Mason to attack 3–5 enemies on the battlefield for
?%-165% (STR) physical strength with up to 80% chance of causing “Cripple”

Armageddon LVL 1–10 (Ultimate skill)
Mason can attack all enemies for
?%-165% (STR) physical damage and ?%-165% (INT) magic damage with an
additional 50% of causing Critical damage.

Cripple — Affected character has damage output is decreased by 50% Ultimate is not affected. Effect cannot stack.”

Hero Benefits:
1. Can absorb for 4 turns (not all tanks can absorb 4 turns)
2. Attacks 3–5 random enemies — more enemy more damage.
3. Strong 2 skill and ultimate.
4. Has a good chance of cripple the enemy.
5. Can cripple an enemy and reduce their damage by 50%.
6. All guardians can adapt to any of the kingdoms — to receive a Bonus.

Hero’s Flaws
1. The ultimate skill and 2 skill can hit counter-attacking heroes.
2. Max can absorb only 75% (Good indicative but there is better)
3. Like all Guardians — very strong guy — and very expensive
4. but Brann is better!

This hero has 3 fixed skills and 1 random bonus skill.

When buying a hero, choose a random bonus skill (STR, INT, HP, MR, APEN, MPEN)

You can read official article:
here and here (I’ll add a link when it appears)

Read about other heroes => here

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