Vark ( Dwarf — Fire ) Overview of heroes for the game Metarrior

Kindichenko Vitalii
Published in
3 min readApr 11, 2023

Protector’s Fortitude LVL 1 (1 skill)
Absorb ~52–75% of incoming damage for 1 random ally hero. (Maximum use per turn = 3) (Prioritizes ally closest to this hero). At the same time, Vark gains the ability to become unkillable when his HP reaches 0 for the first time in battle for 2 turns. While in this unkillable state, Vark will retain 1 HP. In this mode, any control ability targetted at Vark will be nullified. However, in this mode, any control ability targeted at Vark will be nullified. However, in this state, any healing ability or shield ability will only be 50% effective. After these 2 turns, Vark will regain 25% of his maximum HP. This aility can only be activeated once per battle.

Smoke Barrage LVL 1–10 (2 skill)
Attacks 1 enemy for 125%-150% (STR) physical damage with 100% chance of causing confuse for 1 turn. (with priority on enemy being targeted by player)

Head Shot LVL 1–10 (Ultimate skill)
Attacks 1 enemy (with priority on enemy being targeted by player) for 160%-190% (STR) physical damage with 100% chance causing stun for 1 turn. If enemy’s HP is below 25%, enemy is immediately executed.

Stunned — Affected character cannot activate ultimate, cannot activate passive action, can activate passive buff, cannot attack. Effect cannot stack.”

Confused — Affected character will either hit ally’s side or enemy’s side when activating attack or ultimate, cannot activate passive action, can activate passive buff, Effect cannot stack.”

Hero Benefits:
1. The first ability allows you to become invulnerable for a while. Not a single tank can boast of something like this.
2. Each shot of the hero causes confusion in the enemy.
3. Ultimate has a 100% chance to stun
4. Ultimate can kill an enemy if their HP is less than 25%

Hero’s Flaws
1. Is quite rare and expensive NFT, due to the huge demand.

This hero has 3 fixed skills and 1 random bonus skill.

When buying a hero, choose a random bonus skill (HP, MR, MPEN, STR, APEN)
Protector’s Fortitude allows you to absorb a different amount of HP depending on the level. This makes it possible to choose a strategy: 1. Minimum number of absorb HP, 2. Maximum number of absorb HP. in 1 case we make Vark more tenacious, in 2 case allies.

You can read official article:
here and here

Read about other heroes => here

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