Metastrike Dual Token Utility Breakdown

Mitchell Keller
Published in
3 min readDec 1, 2021

Apart from the mind-blowing action and gameplay, another one of the most important aspects of Metastrike is our dual-token model that features not one, but two, community-empowering utility tokens. Each one provides distinct benefits that give players the ability to vote, stake, purchase, and much more. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at $MTS and $MTT, and how they create a sound infrastructure for the Metastrike play to earn economy.

$MTS Purchasing Power

Our $MTS token will serve as Metastrike’s main currency and will allow players to make a variety of in-game purchases from the Metastrike marketplace. To be successful in the game, players will need a diverse arsenal of equipment which include a variety of guns, Metastrike characters, projectiles, metaverse land, NFT boxes, and more. All of these in-game NFTs can be acquired utilizing $MTS.

Governance & Voting for $MTS Holders

One of the highest priorities of the Metastrike team is to ensure the balance of power with regards to important gaming and ecosystem decisions remains in the hands of our community. We accomplish this through our DAO that lets $MTS holders vote on important platform decisions such as upcoming weapons, prize pools, and tournament dates. In the future, $MTS holders will also be able to vote on the redistribution of fees and staking.

$MTS Passive Income Benefits

There is no greater reward than earning a passive income, and by staking $MTS, Metastrike players can earn various passive income rewards in the form of $MTS, $MTT, and also rare in-game NFTs.

In-Game Activities

$MTS will serve as an important asset as it pertains to the gameplay of Metastrike. During guild vs. guild tournament battles, players will face off to defeat their opponents and one of the rewards they earn through victory will be $MTS. This token is also important for missions as it can be used to advance maps and lastly, holding $MTS can activate rare NFT drops.

$MTT: The Play to Earn Booster

The features of our $MTT will serve to boost the Metastrike play to earn economy. It will be required for players to purchase items like regular consumables and upgrade their weapons. Holding $MTS will also enable players to unlock new maps.

Special Events

Every so often Metastrike will announce special events and tournaments that players can participate in to earn valuable rewards. Holding the required number of $MTT tokens will allow players to participate in these events. Holding $MTT will also allow them to take part in regular game modes.

$MTT Deflationary & Community Reward Mechanism

Whenever a transaction is executed using $MTT, it is burned permanently except for 10% which will be added to the weekly prize pool. These rewards will be distributed to the highest-ranking players in the Metastrike ecosystem and also allocated to tournament rewards.

$MTS & $MTT: The Foundation of a Robust Play to Earn Model

The Metastrike team is confident that $MTS and $MTT create a strong foundation to allow for sustainable growth of the Metastrike ecosystem. We wish to thank the entire Metastrike community and our valued partners for their continued support and we are excited to bring a new and improved NFT gaming experience for all to enjoy — and earn.

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Mitchell Keller

Content & Strategy for Quadrata - The Web3 Identity Solutions Provider. Founder of