Metastrike x SAGE ESPORTS GUILD Partnership

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2 min readSep 9, 2022

We’re excited to announce that Metastrike — the first FPS blockchain shooting game — has partnered with SAGE ESPORTS GUILD. The partnership between SAGE ESPORTS GUILD and Metastrike is mainly based on our shared long-term vision for Metastrike Players to become Gamers and Esports celebrities and remove barriers to entry for new gamers coming into Metastrike Therefore, this collaboration will strengthen our partnership and promote Metastrike’s position in the blockchain network.

SAGE is an Esport Organization as well as a Guild. But Currently, they are mainly focused in web 3 Space. So they educate Gamers about Web 3 Space by Hosting VC sessions, Webinars, and Creating Content on Social Media. They have Up and Running Programs Like Scholarship & Learning Program And Web 3 Content Creators Program. SAGE works as Ambassadors As well.


Metastrike & SAGE ESPORTS GUILD Expecting collaboration:

  • Support Play-to-earn players

The Metastrike community will receive a lot of benefits from the SAGE Guild such as a marketplace for the sale and rental of Metastrike NFTs, Coaching for new players to play Metastrike, …

  • Organization tournament events

The Metastrike and SAGE Guild will conduct weekly game events and tournaments to promote SAGE community engagement with Metastrike.

This partnership is set to cultivate community growth through both game distribution and an ever-growing range of additional collaborations.


SAGE ESPORTS GUILD is building a gateway for anyone to easily participate in play-to-earn, while projects can bootstrap their economies, and pro gamers can profit and shine. SAGE ESPORTS GUILD aims to become the largest DAO economy in the metaverse. Fees generated will be converted into $AFK and pooled for incentives to boost our usage and AUM

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About Metastrike

Metastrike is an FPS Multiplayer Blockchain Game project that includes many essential and advanced features of a shooting game, with modern gameplay and high effort investment in both visuals and gameplay.

Dive into a game world designed after the success of CSGO and Call of Duty. Players can satisfy their carrying level like a Smurf! The game is learned from other FPS predecessors, the maps, items, and guns are designed in a highly balanced form suitable for go-pro players.

In addition, because it is a blockchain game, players can trade items On-Chain, with a variety of guns and are constantly updated. This is extremely useful for veteran gamers in trading items or guns like traditional games but completely transparent and stable thanks to blockchain technology. Surely limited AWM guns will be very popular in the NFT marketplace and sold from chain to chain by high-class snipers!

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A blockchain-based, role-playing, first person shooter, metaverse* game built on #UnrealEngine